
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: mizary on May 07, 2004, 05:38:39 PM

Title: my old receiver died
Post by: mizary on May 07, 2004, 05:38:39 PM
my 10 year old Kenwood receiver died...  

The left and center channel have a BUZZING...  ANd it's not in the cables or anything else...

So I guess it's time for a new one...

First off, while I'd love to drop $5,000 on a system... that isn't gonna happen.

I am looking to spend between $300-500 on an av receiver.

My speakers are currently all bose. Fronts are 401's (floor standing - direct/reflecting 4-ohm) vcs-300 center channel and 100 J's for the rears.

I know alot of people HATE bose... but I was young and stupid... And I think the 401's sound ok and I really like the center channel.

My current canidates are as follows.

Marantz SR5400 ~$450 (street prices)
http://www.marantz.com/p_product.cfm?id=2546&cont=u&line=rcv&cat=hf (http://www.marantz.com/p_product.cfm?id=2546&cont=u&line=rcv&cat=hf)

Harmon Kardon AVR 230 ~$370
http://www.harmankardon.com/product_detail.asp?cat=REC&prod=AVR%20230&sType=C (http://www.harmankardon.com/product_detail.asp?cat=REC&prod=AVR%20230&sType=C)

Denon AVR 1604 ~$400
http://www.usa.denon.com/catalog/products.asp?l=1&c=2#PID614 (http://www.usa.denon.com/catalog/products.asp?l=1&c=2#PID614)

and the ts.com favorite
Panasonic SA-XR45 (or XR70)
http://catalog2.panasonic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ModelDetail?storeId=11251&catalogId=11005&modelNo=SA-XR45 (http://catalog2.panasonic.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ModelDetail?storeId=11251&catalogId=11005&modelNo=SA-XR45)

I will be using it to watch tv/movies more than for 2-chan audio.

I do not currently have a dvd-a/sacd/etc player, but am planning on buying one in the next year.

I also plan on upgrading the bose 401's (at least) within a few years.

I am currently leaning towards the HK 230...  But people seem to RAVE over the panasonic.  I also like the Denon, but it's a bit more $$$ with about the same specs/features.

If I went panasonic I would probably try to find/wait for the XR70.  But I am kinda getting sick of using my tv's speakers or listening to stuff out of the one good channel...  And best buy has the HK 230's in stock.

ALSO...  the 401's are 4-ohm speakers...  The others are all 6-ohm but are "rated to handle 4-8-ohms"

I've read it's not good to power 4-ohm speakers with a 6/8 ohm amp which most (all?) of the sub $1000 av receivers are.  

My kenwood seemed to handle them fine...  it pushed them for over 10 years.

Would the HK be a better match for the 4-ohm speakers because of it's "High-Current Capability"  or is that just marketing mumbo-jumbo.

Also being that I live in an apartment high volumes are not an option so I'm not worried there - which is probably good if I am overloading the amp anyways.  :-\

finally only my dvd player will be feeding a digital signal -- but I do watch a good deal of movies and this is my only cd player.


thanks in advance for any advice...  and please don't judge me by my crappy playback system.  :)

Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: jpschust on May 07, 2004, 05:50:50 PM
id like to suggest going with the denon- fantastic build quality, fantastic customer support, fantastic sounding equipment.

id look more closely at what kind of wattage you get at 4ohms from those receivers.  
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: Lee on May 07, 2004, 06:09:13 PM
even at low volumes, pushing more power through the speakers will help with definition.

I second the Denon, they sound great for the money and their service and support is the tits
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: zhianosatch on May 08, 2004, 12:32:46 AM
I just love my Denon AVR-1603. Kicks ass. It lacks nothing but extra coax ins. I only use it for music and Battlefield Vietnam, but it looks like it can do the job like a champ with movies and such.
Go for it!
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: scervin on May 08, 2004, 11:10:36 AM
The Denon's are nice, but I prefer the sound of the Marantz.  That being said I have not heard the SR5400.  I'd say look on ebay for some used gear.  For those prices I think you could find the 2800 series Denon's that may give a little more power.  For tv I would suggest a receiver with PLII at least.  Some newer models may have the PLIIx or whatever the latest version is.  If 2 channel isn't that big of a deal I would look at power outputs only.  The processing will be about the same for DTS and DD for each of these.  Power on the other hand will be rated more accurate on the Denon and Marantz.
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: 1st set only on May 09, 2004, 09:21:41 AM
Id first the Marantz. nothing wrong with the Denon though
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: mizary on May 09, 2004, 07:08:45 PM

three for denon

two for marantz

I think I still like the HK...

Anyone have any specific dislikes of the HK?

As for wattage @ 4-ohm none of these receivers are rated to run @ 4 ohm so they only list 8 and or 6 ohm.  But don't you basically just double the 8 ohm rating to get the 4?  

Also isn't wattage like cpu speed?  There are lots of other factors to consider... I've read stuff that said the HK's 65W sounds more like 100W from the competition.  Which is part of my reason for liking the HK. Plus I have a buddy at work who has had an HK for 20 years now...  So that's a nice testimonial.

Thanks for the feedback so far...

I think I saw a Denon AVR-1804 (or maybe the 1803?) on audiogon (sp?) for a decent price...   But that's just like ebay right?  It's a crapshoot.  :-\  I think I'd feel better at a real store.


Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: scervin on May 10, 2004, 07:39:14 AM
When I was in college I worked at Circuit City for a few months during the winter.  I had nothing but problems from the HK's.  I preferred to sell the Onkyo.  There were times when the volume would go to the max without anyone in the store.  Had customers return with bad channels as well.  
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: dmonterisi on May 10, 2004, 04:48:55 PM
i've had a marantz AV receiver for 4 years now and I really like it.  i found it's far more musical in 2 channel while still being a capable HT receiver.  i'm sure the denon will work great as well...haven't used any HK stuff at all...good luck.
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: Craig T on May 10, 2004, 05:01:29 PM
panny.  when fed a digital signal, it puts other AV receivers to shame.
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: Mojowill on May 16, 2004, 10:48:39 PM
Ask santa for a MacIntosh
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: mizary on May 18, 2004, 02:32:08 PM

First off thanks to all who have taken time to post suggestions...

Currenty the front runners are Denon and Marantz...  I guess HK is out of the race...  Unless I find a super deal somewhere.

It's been a real pain learning about all the different new features in receivers like dolby pro logic II (and now IIx) and DD EX and DTS ES, the diff between 6.1 and 7.1, 192kHz/24bit D/A vs 96/24, dvd-a/hdcd/sacd,  etc

Then I have to decide do I want power or features.

I can get a Marantz SR6200 for about $340 (used off audiogon or new off ebay) which has 105W per chan. (6.1) But no DD EX.

Or I can get a Denon 1804 @ 90W with all the bells and whistles for about the same price.

At first I thought I didn't care about all the bells and whistles...  So long as it did DD 5.1

But now I'm not so sure...  I bought my receiver a few years before DD came out and it drove me nuts not having it.  I think I will be more willing to keep a receiver 10 more years if I don't have to worry about not having the newest features for a while.

However unless I am willing to break my $500 limit I'm not gonna get 7.1 or IIx - But I think I can live with that.

Also as much as I'd like to get a receiver with 192/24 AD it might not happen...  It's not a deal breaker.

So I guess the Denon 1804 is in the lead.

I'll let you know who wins the race.

Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: Mojowill on May 18, 2004, 02:43:39 PM
Remember that while THX II, 7.1 and what ever new sound format they dump on us may be new cutting edge, But then you have to buy media that corresponds to 7.1 etc.  I think 5.1 sounds just fine for HT.  It makes me looks really stupid sometimes when I get up to answer the door or pick up the phone and it was just the rear speakers chiming in.  I don't think that a lot of DVD's are going to be made with 7.1 or THX for awhile.  Lucas labs are selective about what to put their name on.
Good luck.
Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: mizary on May 18, 2004, 04:55:34 PM
That's what I was thinking too...

But then I found this list of movies released in Dolby Digital
Surround EX
http://www.dolby.com/Cinema/MotionPicture/films_previous.html (http://www.dolby.com/Cinema/MotionPicture/films_previous.html)

Not a HUGE list...  but I want to watch LOTR in all it's glory.  Not just it's 5.1 glory.  :)

But realistically...  I hate my rear channels now (they are in the way more than they add to my HT experience)...  I think adding two more speakers would be obscene.  Heck I don't even have a sub.

But that is mostly because I am stuck in a tiny apartment.

If I had a house I would install the speakers properly (not just sitting on end tables) and in a bigger room.

So for now 5.1 would be more than enough...  But I know in a couple years I will want it all...

Hmm...  But I guess if I got a deal on the Marantz 6200 I could always sell it for a few bucks down the road if I decided I had to have 7 speakers and DD EX.

And just like a car, I am sure receivers devalue very quickly at first - but then holds value once it hits a certain point - because of the desire to have all the newest features.

My two other reasons for not liking Marantz is their website.  The nav is java.  wtf?  That is a direct result of people running the company not having a clue or caring.  Sure you could argue they are putting all their resources in R&D...  but I doubt it.  It's a very fancy site which cost some $$$, but it's not usable.  Denon's site is a little better.

Same with remotes.  People seem to really hate Marantz remotes...  especially the 6200's remote.  Denon remotes seem a little more thought out.

But after my HORRIBLE kenwood remote (at least it still worked after 10 years) anything will be great.

Damn...  Now the Marantz 6200 is in the lead!


Title: Re:my old receiver died
Post by: Mojowill on May 18, 2004, 05:32:43 PM
Check out Teac too,  I got a AG D9320 on sale(300$) a couple of years ago and it is treating me right.  It is limited with it digital I/O's though.  Only 2 opt Ins and 1 Coax in. Just enought for my DAT, DVD, & CDRW700