
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: Cleokatrah on May 24, 2004, 09:37:10 PM

Title: Girl Tapers?
Post by: Cleokatrah on May 24, 2004, 09:37:10 PM
I'm beginning to feel like a minority here...
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: pnobles on May 24, 2004, 09:51:57 PM
i believe ashley davenport is well known in the philadelphia area. :)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: sexymexi on May 24, 2004, 09:58:55 PM
beckyt, where ya at?  becky used to be in the iowa girl tapers association, but not anymore..  miss ya here becky.  
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Electric Cowgirl on May 24, 2004, 10:01:19 PM
Cleo-  We are in the minority.  Although our numbers are growing.  I personally know only two other girl tapers, positive there are more out there tho.  What kind of music do you like??  I live in SF perhaps we will see each other around?
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Cleokatrah on May 24, 2004, 10:12:23 PM
Yay! So they DO exist.  It'll be awhile before I can seriously get into this. (money, time, money...) I'm debating how I want to start and all that. My husband thinks I'm a fruitloop ^_^

"Aren't you going to get arrested?" he says. ha. Notice how he didn't phrase that as if he was worried, lol. I don't think he thinks I'm serious... mwuha

Anyway, it'll be at LEAST 3 months before I have the money for a rig, If I go the midprice route. And I'll have to stick to Fresno shows for awhile. Mleh. I'd like to get down to LA and tape a couple shows from some of the indie artists I like, eventually.

I like everything but rap, basically, though I won't go out of my way to buy a country cd either. I'll listen to it though. I'm big into piano and blues. Kenny Wayne and Tori Amos can get me all excited with just exhaling and playing a soft chord, I swear.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: moewu4u on May 24, 2004, 10:13:35 PM
Julie G seems to be at every moe. show....and she runs a sweet rig too. Plus shes super cool!   :)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: zhianosatch on May 24, 2004, 10:17:08 PM
didn't S run tape a few times?
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: greenone on May 25, 2004, 12:09:16 AM
My wife and her friends borrow the rig every so often around the Boston area...mostly for Guster shows that I can't make it to, but another friend of hers taped Ben Kweller/Death Cab with my stealth rig last month. We finally bought her a JB3 for her birthday so she can go out and do her own stuff when she wants. ;D


Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: phatdats on May 25, 2004, 01:10:49 AM
back in the day, before all these forums, datheads listserve was the only game in town.... there was a list called "chicks with decks" i'm not sure if it's still around.....
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: tradja on May 25, 2004, 01:36:21 AM
Julie G seems to be at every moe. show....and she runs a sweet rig too. Plus shes super cool!   :)

I patched off her at my first moe. show.  Great rig!  I was such a n00b at the time that it was all new to me.  As I recall, it went like:

Me (MD in hand):  "...uh, hi! Can I run out of your headphone jack?"
Julie:  "Ok"
Me:  "What mics are those?"
Julie:  "Oh, these?  These are Intergalacic Space Modulators Mark 420"
Me:  "...oh. Cool.  Thanks!"
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: jkoch on May 25, 2004, 02:01:16 AM
my good friend lives in fresno! rock on. who are some of your fav indie acts down here LA ways? i know a bunch of the singer/songwriter circuit...bushwalla, gary jules, jim biano, terra naomi, etc. if you've heard of charlotte martin (probably have being a tori fan), she's a good friend of mine...and oh yea, if you want to tape tori i'd suggest a nice stealth setup. maybe at853s or something with active cables if you're gonna have the cash.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: kennedy on May 25, 2004, 02:29:00 AM
julie g ROCKS, not a member of ts.com, but a member of the taping community, met her down at jazz fest A GOOD shit
anyways welcome aboard Cleokatrah......

Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: F.O.Bean on May 25, 2004, 04:51:49 AM
welcome aboard ;)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: taperkat on May 25, 2004, 11:46:19 AM
*is a girl taper, also a fellow kat folk of sorts*. :)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Cleokatrah on May 25, 2004, 12:34:44 PM
my good friend lives in fresno! rock on. who are some of your fav indie acts down here LA ways? i know a bunch of the singer/songwriter circuit...bushwalla, gary jules, jim biano, terra naomi, etc. if you've heard of charlotte martin (probably have being a tori fan), she's a good friend of mine...and oh yea, if you want to tape tori i'd suggest a nice stealth setup. maybe at853s or something with active cables if you're gonna have the cash.

Charlotte Martin is great. Off the top of my head there's only a couple, I think. Sacha Sacket (sp?) for sure and a keyboardist/pianist the goes by Marcela is down there, I think. Gary Jules sounds hella famaliar. There's others... but I'd have to look at my links and I'm lazy.

And I checked out the at853's - I will indeed be looking for stealth first - and they're a *bit* pricey but I may do it anyway. I was looking at core sound binuarals (sp?) earlier.  I'm still learning the technical Ps and Qs here. Why does everything have to have so many numbers, lol?

*is a girl taper, also a fellow kat folk of sorts*

We cat people rule! :)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: rokpunk on May 25, 2004, 12:38:36 PM
i'm a girl taper. i tape girls...granted, its from a hidden camera in my closet. </perv mode off>
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: taperkat on May 25, 2004, 12:41:05 PM
I have the sound professionals SP-BMC-1, and I used MD for about 4 years before getting my M1. I honestly haven't upgraded mics because these still kick ass for me and are easy to stealth with. I have the SPSB-2 battery box.

(www.soundprofessionals.com ) :)
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Mojowill on May 25, 2004, 01:59:08 PM
Cleokatrah,  I know people will dump on me for saying this, but I bought 2 tiny clip on mics from Radio Shack, the little tie/lapel mics.  they are omnis and sound decent.  i have a mule and a Doc watson show with them.  no pre amp just them running into a D8  If you would like copies, PM me.  I can also email you some pix of how i rigged them up (clipped on my glasses).  
Granted thes are not high end mics, but my banged up hearing likes the shows they made and they are reasonable.  I want to sneak them into a symphony.
Good luck.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Mojowill on May 25, 2004, 02:33:34 PM
Yeah the response chart is basically a straight line.  I got mine for around $55 a pair.  they nead a mono mini, mono mini, to stereo mini splitter (about$3) to run them in to a deck at least thats what I used.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: moewu4u on May 25, 2004, 04:30:18 PM
didn't S run tape a few times?

hey that's right! forgot about that. So my wife is actually officially a taper as of last year! While I was at the Iron Maiden show, her cousin's band, dearest crown from Portland, played locally and she ran my spare D8. Her cousin helped her out getting a patch but she started the deck and set levels accordingly. She was so proud of herself that it was just hilarious. I don't think I'll ever be able to talk her into 'wearing' my whole rig though....
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Tony B on May 25, 2004, 05:33:23 PM
julie g ROCKS,

I suddenly remembered that I met her at the first show I ever taped with my DA P1....like seven years ago at moe./Big Wu. She was uber cool. Loaned me a digi cable and turned me onto the Porta Brace. Just totally down to earth and very forgiving.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Elana on May 26, 2004, 02:39:29 AM
I'm here... I'm female... I tape.... kat is cool... ashley is cool... never met beckyt or the one or two others mentioned.... female tapers are cool... I've turned some of my female friends into tapers...
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: highwayjill on May 26, 2004, 02:48:00 AM
+T's to all the other ladies.... we rock :D   Someone mentioned the chicks with decks mailing list... anyone know what happened to that?  I remember hearing about it all the time when i was on the PB list in 98-00
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: extraordinary machine on May 26, 2004, 04:23:48 AM
*raises hand* Hi, I'm a girl, I tape...I'm from the L.A. area as well. Been doing this since late Nov. ( well, with hits and misses here and there, lol )  :)

I'd also like to add Waz to the indie rock list as well ( solo act, he used to play guitar for Pete Yorn ) I have taped him a bunch of times, and hope to have the recordings out eventually...
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Sean Gallemore on May 26, 2004, 04:26:40 AM
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Mobius on May 26, 2004, 11:53:44 PM
I wear a skirt on occasion, does that count?
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: zhianosatch on May 27, 2004, 10:46:13 AM
didn't S run tape a few times?

hey that's right! forgot about that. So my wife is actually officially a taper as of last year! While I was at the Iron Maiden show, her cousin's band, dearest crown from Portland, played locally and she ran my spare D8. Her cousin helped her out getting a patch but she started the deck and set levels accordingly. She was so proud of herself that it was just hilarious. I don't think I'll ever be able to talk her into 'wearing' my whole rig though....

she could do it! i have faith.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: bush on May 27, 2004, 11:26:24 AM
I wear a skirt on occasion, does that count?

yes  :P
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: creekfreak on May 27, 2004, 07:48:05 PM
Wow, this thread brought the girl tapers out of the wood work, nice, good to see. Only met one once, MD patcher at a few creek shows, always good to see the ladies in the section.
Title: Re:Girl Tapers?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on May 27, 2004, 08:18:33 PM
I have some questions for you Girl Tapers.

What does your boy friend/sig other think of your taping? Does the SO go to the shows with you and hang with you in the section?  Does the SO get pissed off and feel neglected when you go into the section and talk taper gibberish to the other tapers (who I assume as mostly other fellas)?  Does your SO tour with you when you tour to tape?  Has the SO had just about enough of the piles of masters and trades laying around all over the place?

I'm just wondering....