
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: rustle on May 27, 2004, 10:31:57 AM

Title: M/S Recording
Post by: rustle on May 27, 2004, 10:31:57 AM
 so if I set the dip switches in the V-3 to run M/S, will I have to monitor the recording to set the mid/side mix, or can I just do this in post production? Also, if I can adjust the mid/side mix in P.P., will Soundforge 6.0, or Wave Lab 4.0 allow me to do this?  I've never ran M/S, so any help at all would be greatly apprectiated 8)

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: jpschust on May 27, 2004, 10:37:30 AM
when changing the dip switches it just makes it a touch easier to monitor on the v3, but the mix can honestly be done in post production in soundforge or wavelab.    it's a great way of running
Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: JAH on May 27, 2004, 10:43:45 AM
If you do it via the V3, YES you will have to monitor it...it's kinda fun, try it at home to see (hear) the effects.  If you PP it then just run regular LR set up and deal w/ it later.
  Note if you run M/S as regular LR channels to be PP'd later then make sure no one patches out of you or they will be saying WTF? ???  that rig sux's >:( but only you would know the diff.

have fun
Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: dmonterisi on May 27, 2004, 10:44:36 AM
jonny-that's not true.  setting the switches to run m/s on the v3 matrixes the mid signal with the side signal and outputs the M+S/M-S signal.  Therefore, you can not re-mix it in post production.  once it's matrixed, it's matrixed.

If you have the ability and time to do the post production work, leave the v3 in normal mode and record the mid channel and the side channel separate.  

Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: Craig T on May 27, 2004, 10:45:01 AM
I think if you change the dip's, the V3 mixes the m/s internally and outputs stereo so you can't do the m/s>stereo mix in post.
Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: jpschust on May 27, 2004, 10:46:16 AM
sorry i didnt make myself clear- damon you cought my non clarity- thats what i was meaning to say- no switch movement, post mix, switch movement no mix later.  

must have coffee...must stop posting inbetween reading cases
Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: rustle on May 27, 2004, 10:51:03 PM
Thanks alot you guys, +T down the line ;D  I can't wait for LOS tomorrow! I'm gonna play around with my new AKGs' in front of the stereo, and *hear* the way I want to go. Yeah, time is always critical with me. I don't want to spend alot of time in PP, but I will if need be.
 Thanks again for the advice you guys. More proof in the pudding as too the importance of this community ;D

Title: Re:M/S Recording
Post by: todd e on May 28, 2004, 02:22:00 PM
jonny-that's not true.  setting the switches to run m/s on the v3 matrixes the mid signal with the side signal and outputs the M+S/M-S signal.  Therefore, you can not re-mix it in post production.  once it's matrixed, it's matrixed.

If you have the ability and time to do the post production work, leave the v3 in normal mode and record the mid channel and the side channel separate.  

plus you can fix any 'real-time' mistake that you may make in the field.  we've been doing the m/s on the fly and at times, i wished we hadn't.  just a suggestion to follow damon's suggestion... ::)