
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Tony B on September 09, 2004, 10:57:47 AM

Title: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Tony B on September 09, 2004, 10:57:47 AM
Loving the omnis, and am looking at doing some "closer" recording next month. Wondering....if I were to setup onstage, what split/height would I run? How about stagelip? It seems to me that one would only get the various moniter mixes sent to each musician (or at least have your recording dominated by those mixes)...maybe I'm wrong (I probably am), but I'd like to try it, and would like some thoughts from those who've done it. I've got two stands and 15' cables.

Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: hzgone on September 09, 2004, 02:46:18 PM
I usually run 4-5' height onstage and split anywhere from 5-8' depending on the stage and how the band is setup.  So far i have had good results.
Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Tim on September 09, 2004, 02:50:03 PM
depends on the stage size and the way the band is setup. I run 4' tops, and the split is based on the setup of the band/stage

I usually try and stay on the audience side of the monitors
Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Brian on September 09, 2004, 07:06:11 PM
like tim, i never go over 4 feet high.  the higher you go the more cymbals will be in your recording cause the drums are generally the loudest instrument on the stage.

however i like to get right in there with the musicians.  lots of crowd noise can be present from the stage lip.  i especially like on stage for bands on big stages who utilize moniter mixes.  good bands have great stage volumes with their moniters and i'd like to capture that to make everything even in terms of volume.

for acoustic performances being in front of the players generally help and soundstage is ever important.  well it's important no matter what you are recording but especially with acoustic music and onstage recordings.
Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Tony B on September 09, 2004, 07:17:47 PM
Awesome you guys. +T to you all. The bands I'm planning on taping are sort of neo-psychadelic noise freak-out outfits, so I don't know as that minor misplacement of mics my first time out will hamper too much. Hell, it might help! Oh, and that's 4' from the floor, or the lip (gotta be the lip, seeing as how there's no uniform stage height)?
Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Tim on September 09, 2004, 07:28:46 PM
a lot of it is just experimentation and luck... you'll get the feel for it but more so than any other kind of taping stage taping is about the very specific band setup and stage setup.

go for it, if you don't like you can fix it next time :)
Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: Brian on September 09, 2004, 08:04:56 PM
speaking of on stage recordings....tonight is brothers past.  i'm pretty sure they don't sing so split omnis on stage it is. first time out with the V3 as well :D

Title: Re: Split Omnis Onstage vs. Stagelip?
Post by: bigears on September 12, 2004, 02:40:02 PM
I ran my AKG 451EB's last night at the Willie Waldman Project  with omni caps
and a crude {but effective} Jecklin disc
they were DFC between the front 2 monitors and about 3 feet high
the stage volume was kind of loud but everything sounds about how it should
especially Rob Wasserman's bass - full and warm
if there would have been any vocals this set up may not have produced favorable results
I don't think splitting them would have worked at all - hope this is of some help  :)