
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: musicguru on October 06, 2004, 03:06:10 PM

Title: Hi-MD Renderer program help
Post by: musicguru on October 06, 2004, 03:06:10 PM
I'm hoping I can get some help on this website.  I have one of the new HI-MD units (800).  Although you can upload to the computer you can't burn to cd.  There is now a program called renderer that converts the files to wav files so you can then burn to cd..  Here-in lies the problem.  I am not all that computer savey and can't for the life of me figure out this program.  I have asked questions on minidisc boards to no avail.. I'm hoping there is someone out there that can help me.  If someone is in the St. Louis area and can help me with this all the better.  Thanks for letting me go on and on.  Peace,   Musicguru
Title: Re: Hi-MD Renderer program help
Post by: Ed. on October 07, 2004, 01:52:45 AM
no clue...never heard of the program.

i'd imagine you'd load the hi-md audio file and then somewhere in the program there should be a convert option or something to that effect.  i'd imagine from there you could choose from different options like mp3 or wav.  i'm really just making this all up tho since i don't know for a fact.  good luck.
Title: Re: Hi-MD Renderer program help
Post by: musicguru on October 07, 2004, 10:42:24 AM
If you have  no clue why reply?    I'm just trying to get help with a program that will make minidisc a little better for me.  If you haven't heard  of the program look for it at www.minidisc.org  then look under HI-MD.  Hopefully someone will be able to help me with it or I will just continue to record into my computer in realtime and wait for Sony's wave converter,   Peace to all,  Musicguru
Title: Re: Hi-MD Renderer program help
Post by: Ed. on October 07, 2004, 12:43:54 PM
umm, i did try to help.  why don't you look in the programs help tab...or for that matter just google HI-MD to wav renderer like i did and get this.  and don't bitch at the guy helping you out.

Title: Re: Hi-MD Renderer program help
Post by: drewloo on October 10, 2004, 10:58:35 AM
With the newest download offering there are two different programs.  One is command line based and the other has a graphical user interface.  I don't have any OMA files but the GUI version looks pretty straight forward and shockingly close to what SpeshulEd predicted:  Pick an OMA input file and pick your output file, which looks like .wav only so far, and push the "Go Render" button.  There's also a batch mode option as well as some options for block size, offset, and smoothing settings.  You also need the latest version of Sonic Stage.

Where are you having problems?