
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Just Taper Mark from NC on November 16, 2004, 03:17:43 PM

Title: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Just Taper Mark from NC on November 16, 2004, 03:17:43 PM
brings a ruler/tapemeasure and a protractor to a show to set up their
LD's with. if you look at jason b's link in the set up thread he has 17cm
din,20cm ortf and so on. did yoy guyd do it at home once and then eye
ball it in the field or what?

I've been guessing with the u89's in the field but did measure at home to
kind of get a feel for em. my main problem is choosing the right setting
for my situation but it looks like for most of the clubs around here it might
just be card unless I do split omni.

I guess in a nutshell I want to know how forgiving LD's can be when it comes to spacing :P
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Swampy on November 16, 2004, 03:34:36 PM
When I started I took a ruler with me to shows... I soon realized that when I spread my fingers out as far as they go, from my thumb to my pinky is 20 cm, so i go with that scientific measurement ;)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 03:41:49 PM
remember Mark, LD's are less forgiving off axis than their SD counterparts. It took awhile for me to get comfortable with them, practice.. practice.. practice is all I can say... I was making a godo tape one out of every 3 shows or so, eventually though it will be like second nature.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: MattD on November 16, 2004, 03:46:44 PM
When I started I took a ruler with me to shows... I soon realized that when I spread my fingers out as far as they go, from my thumb to my pinky is 20 cm, so i go with that scientific measurement ;)

Funny, I use another body part for that 20 cm measure. I have to hit the bathroom before open taping shows too.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Swampy on November 16, 2004, 03:48:35 PM
When I started I took a ruler with me to shows... I soon realized that when I spread my fingers out as far as they go, from my thumb to my pinky is 20 cm, so i go with that scientific measurement ;)

Funny, I use another body part for that 20 cm measure. I have to hit the bathroom before open taping shows too.
I only use that when I'm doing NOS ;D
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Swampy on November 16, 2004, 03:49:20 PM
When I started I took a ruler with me to shows... I soon realized that when I spread my fingers out as far as they go, from my thumb to my pinky is 20 cm, so i go with that scientific measurement ;)

Funny, I use another body part for that 20 cm measure. I have to hit the bathroom before open taping shows too.
Oh ya, +T for making me laugh out loud
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: jesse on November 16, 2004, 04:08:02 PM
I use cardboard triangle stencils for my SD's. 
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Just Taper Mark from NC on November 16, 2004, 04:09:57 PM
Posted by: Tim  
Insert Quote
remember Mark, LD's are less forgiving off axis than their SD counterparts. It took awhile for me to get comfortable with them, practice.. practice.. practice is all I can say... I was making a godo tape one out of every 3 shows or so, eventually though it will be like second nature.  

I know what you mean,my 10/30 moe. is the bomb but karl d from the next night is alright
but not great.I think I could have turned the mics out a few more degrees and cut some of the
bass but it's hard to tell on the fly how it's turning out. but part of the problem with the karl d
show was the loose solder on one of the pins of my RA cables. I really want to nail these mmw
shows this week that's all,and without punking out and using my 150's ;D
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: RRobar on November 16, 2004, 04:11:06 PM
when Cervin and I had the geffels he had made up a few differnt cardboard triangles cut to different spacing. WOrked great.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: timP on November 16, 2004, 04:27:36 PM
I usually eye it
but cooker had a ruler with him last Sunday and when I went to measrue my DIN I was off a good 6cm
so I plan on carrying one from now on....
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 04:38:28 PM
Mark, as bad as the tape might sound just throw on that Deer Creek tape from this summer to remind yourself that it could always be worse :P

Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Just Taper Mark from NC on November 16, 2004, 04:46:22 PM
actually tim that deer creek show sounds like a jewel compared to the donna the buffalo
show I taped at octoberfest here in town the day the mics showed up :-X partly your
fault too(logo to the back my ass ;D) but hey trail and error is what makes us.

I feel like such a n00b asking all this questions :P
I was thinking maybe a split omni one night this week but my max spread is 13.5-14" spread
which I wasn't looking to do anything drastic for that matter but whats the proper angle
for omni with these? that's why I loved my actives so much cause you'd have to be pretty
st00pid to mess up with the neumann idiot bar they give you for $240 :)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: pfife on November 16, 2004, 04:47:15 PM
when Cervin and I had the geffels he had made up a few differnt cardboard triangles cut to different spacing. WOrked great.

I do this for the LD mics as well.  They are cardboard trapezoids.  I know I'd be way off if I didn't do this.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: F.O.Bean on November 16, 2004, 04:52:38 PM
i eye it anymorer to what the situation calls for, but i do have a tapemeasure in the bag
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: SonicSound on November 16, 2004, 05:16:42 PM
I made a template from a thin plastic casing, commonly use for packaging many items sold today (eg. Mic cables).  The template has two circles (exact diameter of my LD) that will easily slips over the mics when proper distance is achieved.  Once the template is slipped on, each mic/capsule can be independently rotated for proper angle positioning.  Each circle on the template demarcated with the desired angle.  I know a picture would probably explain this better (damn engineer). 
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: pfife on November 16, 2004, 05:19:02 PM
I made a template from a thin plastic casing, commonly use for packaging many items sold today (eg. Mic cables).  The template has two circles (exact diameter of my LD) that will easily slips over the mics when proper distance is achieved.  Once the template is slipped on, each mic/capsule can be independently rotated for proper angle positioning.  Each circle on the template demarcated with the desired angle.  I know a picture would probably explain this better (damn engineer). 

sounds nifty!
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 05:29:11 PM
Ouch mark, that's one bad dtb tape!

as for omni's they are directional at high frequencies so straight ahead or angled out a bit... honestly it doesn't make a huge difference.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: ChrisV on November 16, 2004, 05:57:01 PM
I have a cardboard triangle cutout that has the angles for a couple of configs and then has all the important distances also marked on it.  But I rarely use it because I almost run DIN exclusively so I've memorized how far the mics are in relation and can eyeball 90 degrees fine ;)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Brian on November 16, 2004, 06:07:41 PM
i don't use anything.  every venue and situation calls for it's own unique configuration beyond the standard specs of most stereo configs.  being able to have variable angles at variable widths is crucial for our applications IMHO.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: twatts (pants are so over-rated...) on November 16, 2004, 06:12:32 PM
I can't remember who taught me this one, but a dollar bill is 6 inches long.

6 inches X 2.54 cm/inch = 15.25 cm.  Add a knuckle or two and you're pretty close to 17cm...

Oh, yeah, and it easily shows you 90deg too...


Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 06:15:59 PM
I can't remember who taught me this one, but a dollar bill is 6 inches long.

Yes, I used this too when I happened to have an unrolled bill on me ;)

in all seriousness what Brian said was right on, adjust to taste and room :)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: twatts (pants are so over-rated...) on November 16, 2004, 06:17:40 PM
I can't remember who taught me this one, but a dollar bill is 6 inches long.

Yes, I used this too when I happened to have an unrolled bill on me ;)

Yeah, but I never carry singles, only $100s... 


Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: F.O.Bean on November 16, 2004, 06:19:37 PM
I can't remember who taught me this one, but a dollar bill is 6 inches long.

Yes, I used this too when I happened to have an unrolled bill on me ;)

in all seriousness what Brian said was right on, adjust to taste and room :)

haha, dont lie tim, ive never seen you w/ unrolled bills ;D
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 06:20:06 PM

Yeah, but I never carry singles, only $100s...

you too? man we need to hang out ;)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 06:20:48 PM
Bean, we need to go see moe. together like Cheez and I did during hiatus... good times, I guarantee...
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Brian on November 16, 2004, 06:24:56 PM

Yeah, but I never carry singles, only $100s...

you too? man we need to hang out ;)

what are you guys talking about ??? :P

like this? >>>>> :o

Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Josh on November 16, 2004, 06:31:45 PM
When I started I took a ruler with me to shows... I soon realized that when I spread my fingers out as far as they go, from my thumb to my pinky is 20 cm, so i go with that scientific measurement ;)

i do the same thing.  +
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 16, 2004, 06:39:24 PM
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: F.O.Bean on November 17, 2004, 02:43:39 PM
Bean, we need to go see moe. together like Cheez and I did during hiatus... good times, I guarantee...

sounds good, moe is the shizzle, and i saw a lot of cheeze when phishwas on hiatus, hes a great dood :)

"glas table in a five star room, and the sun always comes up much too soon" ;D
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 17, 2004, 02:47:20 PM
Bean, we need to go see moe. together like Cheez and I did during hiatus... good times, I guarantee...

sounds good, moe is the shizzle, and i saw a lot of cheeze when phishwas on hiatus, hes a great dood :)

"glas table in a five star room, and the sun always comes up much too soon" ;D

sending you a PM about those discs :)
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: F.O.Bean on November 17, 2004, 03:05:00 PM
suite, you gotta be more specific than 'those' discs ;D
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: John R on November 18, 2004, 12:11:37 AM
i used compass/ruler at magfest for the ld's
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Tim on November 18, 2004, 12:20:08 AM
i used compass/ruler at magfest for the ld's

but you also where a head lamp, so.....


+T for that one John
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: bhtoque on November 18, 2004, 01:18:06 AM
I've got a protractor/ruler that I keep in my bag, but I made 45* marks on my t-bar. It works out to 20cm between caps when I have them right over the 5/8 threads of the bar, so it almost sets itself.

I made a couple cardboard triangles, but never used them in the field.

Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Just Taper Mark from NC on November 18, 2004, 03:22:44 AM
that seems like a pretty damned good idea there jason with 45* marks.i've got the spacing down
as far as my 17 or 20cm depending but i'll admit I bought a protractor today and now I remember
why I sucked in math :P I can just mark my mounts at 45-55* and be god to go for the most part.
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: Scooter on November 18, 2004, 04:45:56 PM
Now-days I pretty much just aim the mics at each of the stacks, I mean thats where the sound is coming from right??.  Then again I'm usually back a ways and not FOB.  Usually ends up being NOS -ish...
Title: Re: So who here actually does this?
Post by: F.O.Bean on November 21, 2004, 03:15:52 PM

i use 90 degrees alot, but spacing varies from venue to venue :)