
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: ts on December 17, 2004, 07:45:52 AM

Title: MP3 players?
Post by: ts on December 17, 2004, 07:45:52 AM
Need to buy one for the wifey for xmass. I don't have one myself, so don't know too much about them. Ipod, Zen or iRiver? :-\ Seems the iRiver has built encoding, so PC gets bypassed. Which one to get?
Thanks, ts
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: 1st set only on December 17, 2004, 08:58:20 AM

does most anything that an ipod (that you will use) can do and is a LOT cheaper
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: jpschust on December 17, 2004, 10:15:16 AM
i love my ipod.  its fantastic, though im not keen on the newer version.  i dont need or want color and whatnot on it.  i want them to go up further on the size though (not so much for music but for portable storage)
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: dnsacks on December 17, 2004, 11:31:03 AM
I echo the ipod recommendation, especially for somebody not as obsessive with music as we generally are.  The itunes interface is super easy to use on both macs and pcs (especially for commercially-released material).  This has caused my wife to wholeheartily adopt it, fill it with music and use it frequently. 

Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: jpschust on December 17, 2004, 11:36:48 AM
I echo the ipod recommendation, especially for somebody not as obsessive with music as we generally are.  The itunes interface is super easy to use on both macs and pcs (especially for commercially-released material).  This has caused my wife to wholeheartily adopt it, fill it with music and use it frequently. 

my attitude is i dont want to screw around with my music on the run- i just want it to work and work consistently well. cant think of one time the ipod has failed me.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: ts on December 17, 2004, 12:18:37 PM
Thanks! Bought an ipod. 8)
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: 1st set only on December 17, 2004, 01:03:24 PM
Thanks! Bought an ipod. 8)

could have saved your self about 150 bucks but oh well   :-\

the ipod frenzy trumps ::)
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: jpschust on December 17, 2004, 01:05:57 PM
Thanks! Bought an ipod. 8)

could have saved your self about 150 bucks but oh well   :-\

the ipod frenzy trumps ::)

ill gladly pay 150 more to not deal with creative labs customer support.  worst support ever, worst software ever.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 17, 2004, 08:08:43 PM
hey now... simma down.

i can honestly say that i've only had to call creatives customer support once for my soundcard cuz i was an idiot when i reformatted my puter.  yes it sucked, but it was my error, nothing to do with creative.  i've had my jb3 for quite some time and my soundcard longer.  both are quality products and i'm quite pleased with them.  not to mention the new interface that creative has for there mp3 players including the jb3 is just as easy as an ipod (i'm assuming, i don't own an ipod, nor will i ever) everything is drag and drop and when i attach the jb3 its just like an external hdd, no more stupid playcenter.

two of my friends just recently got the zen touch's and they love them.  and from my little experience with those and my little experience with an ipod, i don't see that much of a difference.

sorry, it just pisses me off cuz theres tons of other decent quality mp3 players on the market today, but for some reason if you don't own an ipod you're not "cool" - and people call microsoft a monopoly....

<-- no cigs for 5 days makes a man edgy, sorry.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: jpschust on December 17, 2004, 09:02:36 PM
+T for 5 days, but after all the problems ive had with amy's jb3 and mine i vowed not to go back to creative ever again.  i went ipod before there were a ton of viable alternatives.  plus it always works with my powerbook
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 18, 2004, 12:19:34 PM
whoa, i musta been really edgy when i wrote that, sorry kids.

+t's to everyone.  and day 6 begins...woot!
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: 1st set only on December 18, 2004, 04:15:08 PM
whoa, i musta been really edgy when i wrote that, sorry kids.

+t's to everyone.  and day 6 begins...woot!

+t back Im gonna wait till NYE to kick it
 bring on the edge
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 18, 2004, 04:24:43 PM
yeah, i kinda quit by accident.  i order my smokes on the net from a different country.  hey, when they're $5 a pack here and i can get them there for $14 a carton, why not.  well i've been waiting for them to come, so i told myself they'll be here any day and not to go buy more.  well i read on there website that they got in trouble and the smokes were siezed at the border coming thru customs.  well i figure i already made it this long while i was waiting that i might as well quit.  and here i am now.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: caymanreview on December 18, 2004, 04:39:45 PM
you still cigarette free Ed? huge congrats if you are...
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 18, 2004, 04:42:48 PM
yep, if i can make it thru tonight, i'm positive i'll never smoke again.  i don't think i've ever made it this long, and i just keep thinking of all the people that will go "holy shit!" when i tell them that i quit.  its kind of worth it right now just for that.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: caymanreview on December 18, 2004, 04:53:35 PM
funny story that just popped into my head

in H.S. everyone smoked cigs, excpet me and 2 of my close buddies. one of them came back fromt he army last week. reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cig and starts puffin. i about shit myself. we spent the first 20 years of our lives mouthing cig smokers and now he smokes... WTF?

go for it d00d. just think of the money you will save, and the gear you will buy
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 18, 2004, 04:55:08 PM
haha, very true...also thinking of the gear i won't have to worry about getting all smokey.

i got some green to help me out tho.  some really good stuff.  i was still wasted when i woke up this morning.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: caymanreview on December 18, 2004, 04:56:08 PM
one thing i cant stand is my gear smelling like smoke.

im pretty sure we just severely hijacked this thread 8)
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 18, 2004, 05:01:25 PM
im pretty sure we just severely hijacked this thread 8)

haha, ok getting it back on track...

so mp3 players are good, m'kay.

give in to the peer pressure, just buy an ipod.  ;D
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: heath on December 22, 2004, 01:04:19 PM
still cig free?

Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: Ed. on December 22, 2004, 01:27:00 PM
still cig free after 10 days. ;D

i'm over the stage where i think about cigarettes every 2 seconds, but i still get the urges.  i supposed i probably always will tho, just will have to deal with it.

its really weird not smoking on my way to work, after i eat, before bed, etc.  i have to drive home for christmas and i have no idea how i'm going to make it thru a 2 hour drive without a smoke, but i guess i'll deal.
Title: Re: MP3 players?
Post by: MattD on December 22, 2004, 01:48:47 PM
still cig free after 10 days. ;D

i'm over the stage where i think about cigarettes every 2 seconds, but i still get the urges.  i supposed i probably always will tho, just will have to deal with it.

its really weird not smoking on my way to work, after i eat, before bed, etc.  i have to drive home for christmas and i have no idea how i'm going to make it thru a 2 hour drive without a smoke, but i guess i'll deal.

+T Ed! I've been trying to get some of my friends to stop for a long time. As for the 2-hour drive, just crank up some more tunes!