
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: mermentaper on January 03, 2005, 06:33:23 PM

Title: Good (& cheap) PC software for combining tracks?
Post by: mermentaper on January 03, 2005, 06:33:23 PM
With my brand spanking new 744t I can now record 4 tracks, but I don't have software to mix them down to stereo - any recommendations? Needs to be able to handle 24/96, ability to utilize DirectX plug-ins would be nice. But basically all I need to be able to do is pan, align and mix, in Windoze 2K. Thanks.

Title: Re: Good (& cheap) PC software for combining tracks?
Post by: areno on January 04, 2005, 02:30:30 AM
O.K. so how's free sound to you...Audacity is open source and has run fine on my machine and think it'll do what you need and it supports VST plug-ins not DirectX and there's lots of free ones around the net , just make sure you download the VSt enabler to
o...http:/   Hope this is of some help.http://audacity.sourceforge.net/about.php       ;) Areno