
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: Ray76 on January 09, 2005, 04:51:19 PM

Title: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 09, 2005, 04:51:19 PM
I sometimes read of folks here having problems with their JB3s, so I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to archive these problems/corrections as a resource for other JB3 tapers and perhaps potential JB3 buyers...So, if you have had problems and got it worked out, please list the problem and what you did to correct it here. Thanks yall..(The JB3 still kicks much ass..)

-Ray(who is currently in a Deep Caffeine Psychosis from drinking too much turkish coffee)

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 09, 2005, 05:28:33 PM
+T in 12 ray ;D

thats a nice lil rig ya got going there bud ;)

bet that combo kicks some ass 8)

whered ya get the xstreamz?

EDIT: heres my first resourceful post in this thread.

sometimes after i format my drive on the jb3, it wont power up all the way and says 'firmware problem'

first off, NEVER RUSH THE JB#, let it power up/down fully, dont rush it

when that error comes up, you have to have a copy of your jb3 frmware on your comps HD to the jb3, quick fix if youre ready for it
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 09, 2005, 05:51:52 PM
My german sound engineer buddy sold me the x-streams for 45 euro. Not bad. Thanks for contributing bean! I hope to get this thread really full so it can be archived and become realy helpful for others. You know where you stand with me , bean. +T . All I need to complete my rig is a stand, which alex turned me on to...Thanks again, my friend. We will talk soon.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Humbug on January 10, 2005, 11:59:20 AM
Nomad #1, (running 1.20.06) : Shuts down in extreme conditions (high heat, shock etc). When fast forwarding on low power - shuts down and freezes on restart - needs to be reset (see JB3 FAQ).

Nomad #2, (running 1.40.06): No known faults, so far (3 months in the field).
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: keepongoin on January 10, 2005, 01:25:47 PM
one of mine won't save my personal settings when i turn it off.

the other jukebox i got from bcosington runs flawlessly.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: fozzy on January 10, 2005, 05:24:41 PM
overheating in the hot TN/TX sun: don't keep it in the bag all zipped up, provide some shade
bad optical cables: i've killed two so far but i treat mine like crap.  the JB3 end never comes unplugged but the other end is exposed to the rest of my bag.  i think i am going to start using the little protectors now.   ;D.  I plan to leave both ends permanatly connected once i get my sbm1 rigged up properly.

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: pfife on January 10, 2005, 09:11:27 PM
overheating in the hot TN/TX sun: don't keep it in the bag all zipped up, provide some shade
bad optical cables: i've killed two so far but i treat mine like crap.  the JB3 end never comes unplugged but the other end is exposed to the rest of my bag.  i think i am going to start using the little protectors now.   ;D.  I plan to leave both ends permanatly connected once i get my sbm1 rigged up properly.

How are you planning to go from SBM-1 to NJB3?  I am strugg-a-ling with this right now too.  Those 7-Pin to Mini-Toslink look pretty flimsy...

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 12, 2005, 07:52:56 PM
BUMP...think this would be a valuable resource...Yall add in!!
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Nomad on January 12, 2005, 07:59:58 PM
I would suggest using an optical mini that others have used (Radio Shack, Sound Proffesionals and others that can be found in the archive section) as to not break the connector on the inside of the JB3 as I and a few others have. When inserting the cable you want it to click or seat good but dont jam it. Hope that makes sense.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: pfife on January 12, 2005, 09:32:27 PM
One problem that I've had, and have subsequently answered a number of times is when people have been transfering via USB for a while, and move to firewire for speed, and get the "Device is not connected" error.

I fixed this by going to creatives website and downloading the drivers (v 1.23.00 at minimum).  See this thread from the ever helpful Nick and Brian from when I had the problem:



Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 14, 2005, 08:09:55 PM
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: dbacky on January 15, 2005, 12:53:24 AM
Anybody know how to fix a flaky scroller wheel? Mine jumps all over the place when I try to move it up or down.

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Humbug on January 15, 2005, 02:27:06 AM
Anybody know how to fix a flaky scroller wheel? Mine jumps all over the place when I try to move it up or down.


I got a can of stuff from Radio Shack ... Contact/Control Cleaner & Lubricant worked wonders. I opened up my Nomad Jukebox 3. The cleaner is under great pressure so don't spray directly. Spray in a cup first and get some q-tips. With a Q-tip addes a few drops sparingly with a few quick blasts for a dust blaster. Did that several times, turning and pushing the wheel. I didn't wait very long to dry. The can's instructions say wait five minutes. A few blasts of dust blaster (air can) and I waited about 30-60 seconds, closed up everything and it works like new.

Edit: welcome, and don't be a stranger. If you feel like introducing yourself, go ahead!
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Gordon on January 15, 2005, 04:52:47 AM
One problem that I've had, and have subsequently answered a number of times is when people have been transfering via USB for a while, and move to firewire for speed, and get the "Device is not connected" error.

I fixed this by going to creatives website and downloading the drivers (v 1.23.00 at minimum).  See this thread from the ever helpful Nick and Brian from when I had the problem:



 I'm very new to the jb3 thing.  as for now I'm using USB.  I had the  v1.26 drivers and kept getting the " device is not connected error"  I got rid of the driver and went to 1.21 (I think, need to check) and it works great. again this is with usb not firewire.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 15, 2005, 08:56:50 AM
Thanks!keep em comin, and encourage others!
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Karl on January 17, 2005, 02:30:05 PM
Good thread.  I have a few--

I've noticed, that when recording opti-in, if I leave it in pause for awhile, that the channels will swap when you unpause.  This is unverified by anyone but me right now, but I suspect it's a global problem.  I started a thread about it awhile back.  Thread here. (http://www.taperssection.com/yabbse/index.php?topic=25408.0)

Rereading that thread reminded me that people have had issues with the meters swapping without the channels swapping.

Not really related to taping, but I've had problems when transferring mp3's to my jb3.  Notmad will act like it's transferred the file, but the file won't be there.  And then it does the same thing to any following mp3's--it will act like it's transferred the files in a fraction of a second, but nothing there.  According to Notmad's Omnitome, there are mp3 files that the jb3 has problems with, though it says you will get an error message (I got no error message).  In short, be aware that there are random mp3's that just won't transfer to your jb3.

Also, to support what bean said, I've had problems after formatting the jb3.  When you feel the need to reformat, be near your computer with the current firmware ready to go.  And make sure you power down/reboot a few times to make sure it's running smoother, maybe even do a test recording.

These aren't things to keep you from happily taping with your jb3, merely idiosyncracy's.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Kevin Straker on January 17, 2005, 04:42:22 PM
OK, so I just got this jb3. I transferred a show to it and then uploaded to my pc. I open it in CD Wave to track it out and I get the following message. Something like, " the header reports a different file size than the system, do you want to override the system size" either way, the file is truncated. Instead of 1:01:16, the time is reported as 10:16:01. Wavelab reports the same size and track length. On my JB3 the show is complete. So far I'm not real impressed with my JB3. You can have my dap1 when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Any suggestions with the JB3 are apreciated.

Yeah - I get the same thing...but Soundforge doesnt complain about it...
I think if you just open and re-save it in an editor...it will fix the header...

are you trying to open it in a different sample rate from which it was recorded, by chance?
Nope, both at 44.1. I thought of that possibility. +T anyways.

This only occurs when you open it up fresh from the transfer...CD Wave is the only program I've seen complain about this...
Does anyone know what the correct response to the error message is? (accept, dont accept?)
Doesn't seem to matter which one you pick. I've tried both.
i agree with post's saying opening in SF first will fix the problem, and either choice of 'fix the header' or 'trust the header' gives the same result.  i also think if you upgrade the firmware on the JB3 this should stop this from happening again, not sure but i think it was just a bug w/ older firmware - i have 2 JB3s and only the older one has this 'problem'.  hope this helps.

I have firmware version 1.40.06. According to the faq it is proven to be stable. The wave file on my jb3 is corrupt. It reads 1:01:16 in total time, but will not play beyond 10:16; which is exactly the time that Wavelab reports.

Result: try opening and resaving w/an alternate wave editor. I haven't confirmed this myself, but will try it soon.----Kevin

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Karl on January 18, 2005, 02:34:49 PM
Kevin Straker's post reminded me of another quirk of the JB3.

When you record optical in, you should have a digital signal being fed BEFORE you press record on the JB3.  Otherwise, the JB3 will default to a 44.1k mode.  What happens, is the header will be written as a 44.1, though the file will still be recorded at the proper sample rate (48k).  It's just a matter of rewriting the file header, but what a pain.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 19, 2005, 08:01:34 PM
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 20, 2005, 01:00:38 PM
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 21, 2005, 03:53:38 PM
hmmm, another quirk here, i formatted the drive as usual before i go taping, and got the 'firmware problem' thing again :'(

it WOULD NOT let me upgrade straight to version 1.40.06, so i luckily keep 1.32.02 and 1.40.06 on the comp all the time

i actualy downgraded from version 1.40.05 ??? to 1 .32.02 AND THEN i had to upgrade to version 1.40.06

these can be tempermental like a dat :P but much more reliable IMO, just dont formatt unless you have a comp nearby w/ the firmware on it :) and not 10 minutes before you leave ;)
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: hexyjones on January 22, 2005, 12:52:56 PM
JB3 1: Refurb

Known problems:

-Extremely heat sensitive. Wont start at all if exposed to even modest heat.

-Wont start if used for awhile...unplugged, and then quickly try to start it up again.
  Solution: Let it sit a bit...10 mins or so...usually powers back up.

-Battery won't charge. Won't run on a charged battery.

-Richmond Stockholm Syndrome show is laced with CD skip-like clicks...used analog in on JB3. Theories include Cell Phones or proximity to large 220 AC line...?

JB3 2: Bought used. This thing looks like it was used as a skateboard...

When it arrived - it would come on and hang on the EAX screen. I did a Reformat...that didn't help. Then I did a "Clean Up" and then another Reformat...and Bingo! - Booted just fine...has worked like a champ ever since! Not exactly the scientific method...but it works fine. No known problems.

using 1.32 on both...I tried to upgrade the refurb - JB3-1 - but it wants the battery to be in...which it cant...so it wouldnt work,,,
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Brian Skalinder on January 22, 2005, 01:01:39 PM
Lest anyone think all JB3s have some or all of these problems:

I've encountered exactly exactly ZERO problems with my 3 JB3s (all refurbs, one each with heavy, moderate, and light use) other than those brought on by my own user error.

I'm not discounting the experiences people are relating in this thread, but I believe there are plenty of us out there who have had completely or nearly completely flawless experiences with the JB3.  Like any consumer electronic device, the JB3 has its quirks and experiences will vary - just as with DAT.

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: aberg on January 22, 2005, 04:06:13 PM
I've been getting a lot of cd like skips and pops on recordings happening too. They can be taken out later with audition without affecting the sound quality but it's pretty annoying. I even do clean ups and formats quite frequently and it still happens. I'm thinking it could be one of a few things happening:

a) my Jb3's disk is messed up
b) something is wrong with my optical cable
c) something is wrong with my UA-5 which I digi-modded myself

I've had some flawless recordings and some flawed.. I can't pinpoint what's going on. Any ideas?
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 22, 2005, 04:06:54 PM
agereed brian, when recording, ive had ZERO problems, it seems its only quirky when messing w/ reformatting/rescue mode
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 22, 2005, 04:07:37 PM
no offense bud, but i bet its either b or c
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: hexyjones on January 22, 2005, 04:12:35 PM
I've been getting a lot of cd like skips and pops on recordings happening too. They can be taken out later with audition without affecting the sound quality but it's pretty annoying. I even do clean ups and formats quite frequently and it still happens. I'm thinking it could be one of a few things happening:

a) my Jb3's disk is messed up
b) something is wrong with my optical cable
c) something is wrong with my UA-5 which I digi-modded myself

I've had some flawless recordings and some flawed.. I can't pinpoint what's going on. Any ideas?

...carry a cell phone with you...? in or near your gear bag...?
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: aberg on January 22, 2005, 04:41:38 PM
No cell phone.. the gear bag was setup right by the soundboard and all that equipment... But I doubt that would cause any interference. I'm going to try using a different cable. I really hope it's not the UA-5.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on January 22, 2005, 06:27:13 PM
best of luck bud!
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 29, 2005, 07:18:09 PM
My scroll-wheel sticks and jumps - how do I fix it?(thanks skalinder)

Apparently, this is a fairly common problem.  It just gets a little dirty, that's all.  Here's one user's tip on how to clean the scroll wheel:

Quote from: silverbullet on November 11, 2004, 06:23:56 AM
I got a can of stuff from Radio Shack ... Contact/Control Cleaner & Lubricant worked wonders. I opened up my Nomad Jukebox 3. The cleaner is under great pressure so don't spray directly. Spray in a cup first and get some q-tips. With a Q-tip addes a few drops sparingly with a few quick blasts for a dust blaster. Did that several times, turning and pushing the wheel. I didn't wait very long to dry. The can's instructions say wait five minutes. A few blasts of dust blaster (air can) and I waited about 30-60 seconds, closed up everything and it works like new.

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Ray76 on January 29, 2005, 07:19:14 PM
My power / hold button sticks - help!!(thanks again skalinder)

Another fairly common problem, and one that can be a major PITA - if you're especially unlucky, it may stick when you attempt to put the JB3 on hold while recording, and instead power off!  Two potential problems / solutions:

    * It's just plain dirty.  Open up the JB3 and clean it.
    * The hole in the case through which the power button slides is a bit snug.  Sanding / shaving down the hole just a wee bit will create enough clearance so it doesn't stick.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Ray76 on January 29, 2005, 07:22:14 PM
OK, so I just got this jb3. I transferred a show to it and then uploaded to my pc. I open it in CD Wave to track it out and I get the following message. Something like, " the header reports a different file size than the system, do you want to override the system size" either way, the file is truncated. Instead of 1:01:16, the time is reported as 10:16:01. Wavelab reports the same size and track length. On my JB3 the show is complete. So far I'm not real impressed with my JB3. You can have my dap1 when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Any suggestions with the JB3 are apreciated.

Yeah - I get the same thing...but Soundforge doesnt complain about it...
I think if you just open and re-save it in an editor...it will fix the header...

are you trying to open it in a different sample rate from which it was recorded, by chance?
Nope, both at 44.1. I thought of that possibility. +T anyways.

This only occurs when you open it up fresh from the transfer...CD Wave is the only program I've seen complain about this...
Does anyone know what the correct response to the error message is? (accept, dont accept?)
Doesn't seem to matter which one you pick. I've tried both.
i agree with post's saying opening in SF first will fix the problem, and either choice of 'fix the header' or 'trust the header' gives the same result.  i also think if you upgrade the firmware on the JB3 this should stop this from happening again, not sure but i think it was just a bug w/ older firmware - i have 2 JB3s and only the older one has this 'problem'.  hope this helps.

I have firmware version 1.40.06. According to the faq it is proven to be stable. The wave file on my jb3 is corrupt. It reads 1:01:16 in total time, but will not play beyond 10:16; which is exactly the time that Wavelab reports.

Result: try opening and resaving w/an alternate wave editor. I haven't confirmed this myself, but will try it soon.----Kevin

 Problem----Opening JB3-recorded WAV:  "File header reports a size that is different than the system reports..."?!?

When opening JB3-recorded WAVs in CD-Wave, what's with the message:  "File header reports a size that is different than the system reports.  Do you want to adjust the size?  (Yes to override header, No to trust header, Cancel to abort)"

The JB3 appears to add 8 bytes of "junk" at the end of some WAV files recorded onto the JB3.  At any rate, if prompted with this message by CD-Wave, it doesn't matter whether you select Yes or No, CD-Wave strips the "junk" 8 bytes out of the file in either case.  All other commonly used taper programs - Cool Edit, Wavelab, Soundforge, etc. - seem to strip the junk bytes out but don't present a message to the user.  Bottom line:  don't sweat it!

Thanks skalinder and Kevin

Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Brian Skalinder on January 29, 2005, 10:16:22 PM
FWIW, a bunch of this in the JB3 FAQ already and may or may not be worth repeating.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: Ray76 on January 30, 2005, 07:56:52 AM
FWIW, a bunch of this in the JB3 FAQ already and may or may not be worth repeating.

Oh shoot, sorry man.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: aberg on February 12, 2005, 05:14:42 PM
I just figured out what my problem was ----> a right angle toslink adapter for my optical cable <------ Don't use these adapters. It's the kind that swivels 360 degrees... I listened as I was recording something and then swiveled it around and the signal would drop out at certain orientations. I'm starting to think that the SP right angle toslink to mini definitely is the best way to go. Until I get one, I'm just plugging my cable straight into the UA-5 with no adapter. I'm glad I found that out before messing up another recording.. and it's good to know it was a 2 dollar adapter that was the problem and not the JB3 or UA-5... phew. Cheers all.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on February 12, 2005, 05:31:56 PM
I just figured out what my problem was ----> a right angle toslink adapter for my optical cable <------ Don't use these adapters. It's the kind that swivels 360 degrees... I listened as I was recording something and then swiveled it around and the signal would drop out at certain orientations. I'm starting to think that the SP right angle toslink to mini definitely is the best way to go. Until I get one, I'm just plugging my cable straight into the UA-5 with no adapter. I'm glad I found that out before messing up another recording.. and it's good to know it was a 2 dollar adapter that was the problem and not the JB3 or UA-5... phew. Cheers all.

yes, do it, buy two, theyre built like a tank and are only 20 bux a piece right now :)
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: aberg on February 12, 2005, 06:23:49 PM
I don't know why I didn't get one in the first place... adapters are a PITA...
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Nate on February 13, 2005, 10:26:09 AM
Where can I buy the SP right angle toslink?
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: F.O.Bean on February 13, 2005, 11:47:17 AM
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: hexyjones on February 13, 2005, 06:37:29 PM
Problem: Battery seems dead...no indication of charge. Nothing.

Solution: Smack battery on table sharply...
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Stumptown Matt on March 09, 2005, 02:47:47 PM
OK I know this has been dicussed so I'm posting this here rather than make a new thread.  I recently got a refurbished JB3 worked OK with USB next I bought a firewire card and I can't get anything into or off of the JB3 and the computer.  I read this concering the subject on a different thread.

"Creative NOMAD® Jukebox Driver Update version 1.23.00

This update provides selected Creative NOMAD Jukebox players with drivers that are WHQL certified for Microsoft® Windows® XP only.


Resolves the issue of the "Device not connected" message appearing in selected NOMAD Jukebox players. "

The only problem is I don't see this specific driver on their website but I have tried the two most recent drivers with very little luck.  When I connect my JB3 Via firewire the computer recognizes the JB3 with a little pop up that says it is connected.  I can even get the Play Center to identify all the tracks stored on the JB3 the problem starts when I try to make a transfer either way.  When I select a track and click on transfer it tells me the JB3 is busy or not connected.  Other times it identifies the JB3 but shows no stored tracks and will not let me transfer from the computer to the JB3.  I have installed and uninstalled various drivers over the past few days.  I have started the computer with the JB3 connected and I have plugged it in after starting the computer both to no avail.  I am about to start kicking and throwing stuff.  Any help would be great.
                                          Peace, Matt
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: Stumptown Matt on March 12, 2005, 08:19:14 PM
OK I know this has been dicussed so I'm posting this here rather than make a new thread.  I recently got a refurbished JB3 worked OK with USB next I bought a firewire card and I can't get anything into or off of the JB3 and the computer.  I read this concering the subject on a different thread.

"Creative NOMAD® Jukebox Driver Update version 1.23.00

This update provides selected Creative NOMAD Jukebox players with drivers that are WHQL certified for Microsoft® Windows® XP only.


Resolves the issue of the "Device not connected" message appearing in selected NOMAD Jukebox players. "

The only problem is I don't see this specific driver on their website but I have tried the two most recent drivers with very little luck.  When I connect my JB3 Via firewire the computer recognizes the JB3 with a little pop up that says it is connected.  I can even get the Play Center to identify all the tracks stored on the JB3 the problem starts when I try to make a transfer either way.  When I select a track and click on transfer it tells me the JB3 is busy or not connected.  Other times it identifies the JB3 but shows no stored tracks and will not let me transfer from the computer to the JB3.  I have installed and uninstalled various drivers over the past few days.  I have started the computer with the JB3 connected and I have plugged it in after starting the computer both to no avail.  I am about to start kicking and throwing stuff.  Any help would be great.
                                          Peace, Matt

Well I finally got everything working.  It was the cheap firewire I got from Fry's.  I went back today and exchanged the old $9.99 card for a $29.99 USB 2.0/firewire combo card and it works flawlessly.  Unlike the other card this one came with an actual driver CD.  So 10 unintalls and reinstalls and a new operating system later I have learned that cheaper is not always better in the computer hardware world.  My advice is STAY AWAY FROM $9.99 FIREWIRE CARDS FROM FRY'S ELECTRONICS.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: jephro on December 10, 2005, 03:29:55 PM
anyone know how to clean the wheel on the JB3?
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix them.
Post by: F.O.Bean on December 11, 2005, 10:25:18 AM
anyone know how to clean the wheel on the JB3?

read the top of the page :P
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: rowjimmy on December 21, 2005, 12:49:46 PM
For the wheel, I'd use canned air and for persistent gunk a touch of alcohol (the isypropyl kind, not the drinking kind) and a q-tip
if it's really mauled up with hair or something, you might hafta open er up.
Title: Re: For JB3 Tapers:Problems you have had with your JB3 and what you did to fix t
Post by: kskreider on January 15, 2006, 04:25:25 AM
I had a weird problem tonight.  I stealthed a show and started by walking into the stall and started it up.  Check levels, lock buttons and walked into the club.  I glanced down once or twice into the set.  First time it said I was at 1 hour and 9 minutes and the second time I just tapped on the power button to make sure it was still a live backlight and not OFF and it was on.  After the show I head back for the stall and unlocked buttons ,stop/saved the file and then shut it down.  In the car I plug in my adapter and power it back up and there is NO FILE on the JB3. 

Any ideas?

Stupid me thought that there was a 00:06:09 minute file and that was the clock time on the JB3 not the length of the file.  I was kind of buzzed last night.