
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: shaggy on January 10, 2005, 04:41:30 PM

Title: AC adapters in other countries...
Post by: shaggy on January 10, 2005, 04:41:30 PM
I'm just curious, can I run a AC-DC adapter that is rated for 120V and 60Hz here in Japan which is at 100V 50Hz?  I negliected to bring any here and I went to Akihabara to look for wall warts, you'd think that place would have them...maybe my japanese isn't so good yet!
Title: Re: AC adapters in other countries...
Post by: shaggy on January 12, 2005, 05:59:16 AM
I want to advoid the use of  a transformer.  I wanted to know if I could still plug the wall wart into the socket here in Japan and not expect anything to catch on fire or ruin my equipment and or adapter?
Title: Re: AC adapters in other countries...
Post by: m.mouse on January 12, 2005, 03:50:45 PM
I want to advoid the use of  a transformer.  I wanted to know if I could still plug the wall wart into the socket here in Japan and not expect anything to catch on fire or ruin my equipment and or adapter?

I think the problem is with the transformer inside the wall wart.

The ones I have that are not based on a transformer all say 100 to 240 volts / 48 to 62 Hz on them. With them there should be no problem.

Title: Re: AC adapters in other countries...
Post by: shaggy on January 14, 2005, 10:49:04 PM
I guess they don't understand 'hand-waving' to communicate things like 'where are the all the wall warts?'  I had to ask my wife to translate for me, I really was trying to avoid that so I could think I was fitting in here.

I scored a SONY AC-E45A at Bic-Camera for 2500 yen.  I don't know if there is anything special about it other than it saying it can handle 100-240 50/60Hz but I bit the bullet and got one (they are like $20 in the US).  It reminds me of the lappy computer AC-DC adapters that are worldwide, the only thing is there is a flip out, fold away-plug on the adapter itself; not so much a wall wart as a wall slug.  You gotta get another plug adapter to make it fit those funky 220-240 plugs. I didn't want issues with the M1 or the charger or anything I plan to use it for (CD player and whathave yous). 

Maybe I am paranoid.  I don't know alot of ins and outs about living in Japan yet.  I would be happy to hear any suggestions on places to buy things here...like a Rat Shack equivalent for starters.  One thing is they don't use CCs that extensively, so I gotta pack a wad of bills anytime I go anywhere.  $100 (10,000 yen or ichimon yen) flies from my hand faster than you can say 'youpay-now'.  On the other hand, the ramen and udon noodles are amazing and pretty cheap.


Title: Re: AC adapters in other countries...
Post by: dklein on January 15, 2005, 06:07:37 PM
As a side note, lots of devices use switching adapters (laptops, Nomad JB3) and will work anywhere - like the Sony one you spec'd above.  100-240v, 50/60 Hz covers the world.  You just need the plug adapter.  These switching adapters can draw huge current when first plugged and probably should NOT be used with any kind of step-down transformer or they'll blow it up.