
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: Tim on March 11, 2005, 03:17:51 PM

Title: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: Tim on March 11, 2005, 03:17:51 PM
another potentially stupid question :P

when you measure the distance of your speakers from a wall do you measure the distance between the wall and the speaker box or the wall and the actual drivers. This is probably more important when talking about the distance from the back wall... should I be measuring the distance from wall to the front/driver or just to the actual speaker itself.

this is for speakers without rear firing tweeters or rear ports

Title: Re: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: ducati on March 11, 2005, 04:18:16 PM
Typically, I believe measurements are to the approximate location of the voice coil of the driver.

However, when I measure for myself (setup purposes) I measure to the front corners of the cabinet--my ProAc's are big boxes and this makes for a nice, repeatble measurement that is great for measuring toe, as well.
Title: Re: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: Tim on March 11, 2005, 04:20:06 PM


Title: Re: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: ducati on March 12, 2005, 12:04:38 AM
I didn't get one of those automatic toe adjusters with my speakers.  Methinks I need to speak with my dealer.

The camber is a little off on that mee-nee.
Title: Re: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: scervin on March 12, 2005, 07:24:01 AM
I didn't get one of those automatic toe adjusters with my speakers.  Methinks I need to speak with my dealer.

The camber is a little off on that mee-nee.

Yeah, looks like they have the camber set for Bristol.

My wife asked why the speakers had to be out so far in the room so I showed her a number of posts and articles giving distance from back wall.  Knowing these distances should be from the wall to the center of the driver (or front baffle) it never said this in the aricle.  So, I've got mine a good 24" from the cabinet to the wall + another 15" of cabinet depth.  More away from the wall the better and this is just my sneaky way of doing so.

Title: Re: measuring distances from the wall
Post by: ducati on March 12, 2005, 09:56:20 AM
Yeah, looks like they have the camber set for Bristol.

My wife asked why the speakers had to be out so far in the room so I showed her a number of posts and articles giving distance from back wall.  Knowing these distances should be from the wall to the center of the driver (or front baffle) it never said this in the aricle.  So, I've got mine a good 24" from the cabinet to the wall + another 15" of cabinet depth.  More away from the wall the better and this is just my sneaky way of doing so.

Boy was that a fight for me, too.  My wife is *very* accomodating of my audio habit...  But moving the speakers out into the room was a challenge.  I eventually settled on about 32" out from the wall, she accepted that and honestly it's all I could get in my domestic living room anyway (without tossing a couch...  I tried to talk her into a love seat but boy did I lose that war haha)...  Ideally I'd like another 8-12 inches, but ya know how it is...