
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: halleyscomet8 on May 15, 2005, 12:11:37 PM

Title: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: halleyscomet8 on May 15, 2005, 12:11:37 PM
what length is good for two hour sets, and where is the best place to get these? i have noticed some are in meters, and others are in minutes. any advice is greatly appreciated.thanks
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: jessedscott on May 15, 2005, 12:16:10 PM


FYI, 60M = 2hrs  90M= 3hrs, ^^ those are sony, I like Maxell myself, but to each their own.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: halleyscomet8 on May 15, 2005, 12:21:44 PM
so 60m, and 60p both last about 120 min? this is good to know.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: jessedscott on May 15, 2005, 12:24:48 PM
also, check around different places, have different prices. usually within a couple of $$ of each other..


those are just a few....
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Lil Kim Jong-Il on May 15, 2005, 02:05:58 PM
What deck are you using?  I had poor results (two loading failures and one media related dropouts) with the Sonys in my D7 since they changed the shell.  The Green labled Maxells I got from Oade have been flawless performers in my D7.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Dr.FOB on May 15, 2005, 03:47:26 PM
so 60m, and 60p both last about 120 min? this is good to know.

Be careful!  With DAT 60m is 60 minutes.  With DDS 60M is 120 minutes (60 meters).
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: peterbilt on May 16, 2005, 12:35:46 AM
I have only used HHB DAT's, be it 65 or 95 minute tapes and I have never had an issue with them, aside from the cost! :( However, I may have access to a huge lot discount of Sony's through a great friend, I just need to remind her! If anything good comes of it, you folks will hear about it.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: halleyscomet8 on May 16, 2005, 07:43:52 AM
if i am correct then dds 120's, are 120 minutes long? sorry if this is stupid but i get confused easily.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Brian Skalinder on May 16, 2005, 09:52:18 AM
if i am correct then dds 120's, are 120 minutes long?

Nope.  DDS and DAT (audio) tapes use different units:

DAT (audio) = minutes
Obviously, minutes are minutes - no confusion here.

DDS = meters
To convert meters to minutes, multiply by 2.  So...a 120m DDS tape = 120 meters x2 = 240 minutes.

However, you should not use DDS 120m tapes in your DAT deck - audio DAT decks are not made to handle tapes of that length and they'll wear out your deck faster (http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=2923.0) if they work at all.  In general, DDS 60m (x2 = 120min) tapes are the way to go, with an occasional DDS 90m (x2 = 180min) tape if there's a chance the sets will run longer than 120 minutes.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: ice8888 on May 16, 2005, 02:26:36 PM

$1.90 for both 60m and 90m Maxell's.  I also received free shipping and a set of cheapo headphones with my purchase of 3 boxes.  ;D
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: George on May 16, 2005, 06:35:06 PM

$1.90 for both 60m and 90m Maxell's.  I also received free shipping and a set of cheapo headphones with my purchase of 3 boxes.  ;D

Excellent!  Thanks for the link!
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: admkrk on May 16, 2005, 06:46:32 PM
just another note:  dat tapes are usually an odd #  i.e. 64m, 92m, 124m, ect.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on May 16, 2005, 09:01:00 PM
just another note:  dat tapes are usually an odd #  i.e. 64m, 92m, 124m, ect.

you mean even.  ;) :D

are these the good maxell green tapes?


and is this a good deal? and again is it ok to run 2 hr DAT's all the time. I know 180 min DAT's aren't good to run all the time.thanks guys.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Tim on May 16, 2005, 09:08:02 PM
2 hour dats are fine.... that's pretty much the taping standard
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: admkrk on May 16, 2005, 09:39:33 PM
just another note:  dat tapes are usually an odd #  i.e. 64m, 92m, 124m, ect.

you mean even.  ;) :D

are these the good maxell green tapes?


and is this a good deal? and again is it ok to run 2 hr DAT's all the time. I know 180 min DAT's aren't good to run all the time.thanks guys.

got me, i ment as opossed to ending in 0. i don't think there's such a thing as a 92 min tape either, just hit a #. :P

unless i know a show is going to be less than 2 hrs., or in the case of wanne were i could fit 2 on a tape, i prefer the 90m(3hr.).  i get too nervious when the tape's almost done and there's still an encore to go, coming up, sometime, soon, i hope, 10 min left, hope it's next and short. it realy sucks hoping for the show to end so you don't blow maybe the best part.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Depechemode1993 on May 16, 2005, 09:46:53 PM
is that a good deal on the price? I am thinking to buy a lot of 50. since I am going to be taping alot this summer and fall.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Tim on May 16, 2005, 09:53:31 PM
I haven't shopped for dats in awhile (9 months or so) but under $2/tape is a great deal imo....

I bought 30
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: admkrk on May 16, 2005, 10:13:50 PM

$1.90 for both 60m and 90m Maxell's.  I also received free shipping and a set of cheapo headphones with my purchase of 3 boxes.

http://store.yahoo.com/cdrsavings/taiyonotfuji.html  $2.10  for 60/90 maxells. and untill the 20th you get $5 off over $30/ code=  may_2005   

like tim said,  $2 is a resonable price for dds tapes. if you see dats for that price, jump on them.
Title: Re: what kind of dat tapes to buy?
Post by: Tim on May 16, 2005, 10:19:00 PM
good point, I was referring to DDS tapes... DAT is usually more expensive!