
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: jeromejello on May 23, 2005, 07:01:57 PM

Title: artifacts on my stealth pull
Post by: jeromejello on May 23, 2005, 07:01:57 PM
so i was listening to my attempt at stealthing a saturday night mofro gig in orlando.  i chose stealth b/c i was told it was going to be hard to set up a stand (although i wish i did now) and b/c i thought it would be good practice for the james brown gig this sunday.

the tape is muddy for the first 2 minutes where i am checking levels and adjusting the gain (wow the sound was A LOT more pronounced than i estimated) so i was ok with that... i actually had to adjust to -1 to prevent clipping.
what i am noticing is an intermitent static pop through out the tape (truth be told i could only listen to it for a little bit).  i am not sure if it is on the jb3 file or just the playing through sf 7.0.  i think i will probably track it out and burn it to disc to hear it again...

anyways, is it possible that the static pop could be from dancing around with the jb3 in a cd bag on my hip?  it was getting bumped a lot from the crowd (and the girl... grrr... )  i was thinking that i was getting a weird connection problem with the stereo mini input.  whatever...

anyone have any advice or trouble shooting... i would like to not have that poo on my james brown tape.

oh, and conclusion from my first attempt at stealthing... it was hard, damnit.... (btw, i was running the at853's in a croakie setup)
Title: Re: artifacts on my stealth pull
Post by: sleepypedro on May 23, 2005, 09:35:06 PM
yeah, for starters i would not recommend dancing around with a jb3.  that input is *flaky* and any degree of jostling could create any number of negative effects.