
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: audBall on June 24, 2005, 03:51:16 PM

Title: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: audBall on June 24, 2005, 03:51:16 PM
I rocked the binaural setup last night at JGB for the first set (SP-CMC8 > SP-SPSB-6 > JB3).  I didn't want to run open considering the venue size and the amt of people there.  I must say it came out as my best recording yet. 

However, apparently I had the right mic on my left ear and the left mic on the right ear.  The reason I can tell they were switched is because there were these two guys talking on my right side and I hear them in the left channel w/ headphones on. 

here's my question...Would there be anything wrong sonically w/ swapping the Left and Right channels in SF??  It doesn't really matter all that much, I'm just being nitpicky.  I must gloat, though, this is one sweet ass recording.  Just my luck, the night I decide to only stay for the 1st set of a show, I pull a sweet ass tape.... :-\
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: Brian Skalinder on June 24, 2005, 04:01:48 PM
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: MattD on June 24, 2005, 04:13:27 PM
Nothing wrong with doing it and everything right. I'd say to do it because it's a truer representation.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: Genghis Cougar Mellen Khan on June 24, 2005, 07:47:23 PM
I rocked the binaural setup last night at JGB for the first set (SP-CMC8 > SP-SPSB-6 > JB3).  I didn't want to run open considering the venue size and the amt of people there.  I must say it came out as my best recording yet. 

However, apparently I had the right mic on my left ear and the left mic on the right ear.  The reason I can tell they were switched is because there were these two guys talking on my right side and I hear them in the left channel w/ headphones on. 

here's my question...Would there be anything wrong sonically w/ swapping the Left and Right channels in SF??  It doesn't really matter all that much, I'm just being nitpicky.  I must gloat, though, this is one sweet ass recording.  Just my luck, the night I decide to only stay for the 1st set of a show, I pull a sweet ass tape.... :-\

Isn't binaural only a omnidirectional technique?

As long as you're just swapping channels it's not an issue.  Just think of it as having your headphones on backwards.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: OOK on June 24, 2005, 08:10:49 PM
I just had the same issue with a stage recording I did.  I tried swaping chanels in soundforge8 and it didn't seem to make a difference.  It was odd.  So I just left it alone.  try it see if you have better luck than I did,
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: itook2much on June 24, 2005, 09:33:25 PM
A binaural recording places you "at" the show (as opposed to stereo where the band seems to be in your head).
In a perfect binaural recording, you would actually be able to tell that the band is in front of you.  I have yet to hear one that good though, usually you can put the headphones on either way & it's good either way.
If the band sounds as if it's behind you, try to flip the channels...if not, may be best just to leave it, probably won't make much difference.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: OOK on June 25, 2005, 01:26:56 PM
I just had the same issue with a stage recording I did.  I tried swaping chanels in soundforge8 and it didn't seem to make a difference.  It was odd.  So I just left it alone.  try it see if you have better luck than I did,

Mine was using cards  MBHO648/KA200 in a 90* NOS pattern at the stage lip.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: audBall on June 25, 2005, 03:51:20 PM
Well, I swapped them and I'm happier with the results.  To others, they probably would never tell the difference, but I can.  I have very sensitive hearing and it was bothersome to hear crowd/music noises through the left channel when I remembered them coming from the other side.  And yes, it was the omnis on my ears.  I will be trying this out again tonight at Digable Planets and again w/ Kottke/Gordon on Tuesday.  It can be a little painful standing still for so long but, imo, it can be worth it.  I'm also really digging not having to carry in the stand and all the other gear.  Thankfully I'll have a grip of friends w/ me tonight to take care of the drinks.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: OOK on June 25, 2005, 08:23:37 PM
  "It can be a little painful standing still for so long but, imo, it can be worth it."  

Yes it can...I can remember standing still for the Who in hershey a few years back.......11th row in front of the left stack.  What a pain. I was ready to change my name to mike as in mic stand.LOL.  But like you said, its worth it some times.
Title: Re: L/R Channel swap (Binaural content)
Post by: jdawg on July 02, 2005, 01:07:55 AM
Well, I swapped them and I'm happier with the results.  To others, they probably would never tell the difference, but I can.  I have very sensitive hearing and it was bothersome to hear crowd/music noises through the left channel when I remembered them coming from the other side.  And yes, it was the omnis on my ears.  I will be trying this out again tonight at Digable Planets and again w/ Kottke/Gordon on Tuesday.  It can be a little painful standing still for so long but, imo, it can be worth it.  I'm also really digging not having to carry in the stand and all the other gear.  Thankfully I'll have a grip of friends w/ me tonight to take care of the drinks.

Damn boy, you're sure doing a lot of taping these days!  :o  +T