
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: Scuba Jeremy on June 26, 2005, 06:20:07 PM

Title: Mixing Business and Pleasure - Concert Lighting / Video ??
Post by: Scuba Jeremy on June 26, 2005, 06:20:07 PM
I've been taping / archiving this Chicago area band called Stellar Road for a few months now, and they're starting to play bigger and bigger shows. Money is starting to get involved slowly as my friend and I are becoming this band's crew. We've been discussing the idea of running lighting and video with a simple three cam setup, some stock video, maybe a live Graphical Visualization thing on a bigscreen behind the band. Something like that.

What kind of video board are small starter bands using? We'd like to able to mix four or five video sources, with simple fades, and on the fly while the show is going on. Any suggestions from any other road crews? Any thoughts on the cost of this kind of project would be great for our reality check as well.


- Jeremy