
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: Depechemode1993 on November 24, 2005, 11:25:26 PM

Title: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on November 24, 2005, 11:25:26 PM
ok I am having a bit of trouble transfering my DAT recordings to my HD. here is how I run the transfer;

Sony TCD-D8 -> 1/8 male connector (line out on DAT) to RCA Channels L/R -> Audiophile 24/96 -> Adobe Audition v 1.5

everytime I transfer a recording to the computer there are always these skips and glitches in the transfer that are *not* on the master tapes. I have check a million times and they are not there. it has to be in the transfer. I am guessing tons of things. the program I use, DAT machine, Cables, the computer (emachies and runs very slow even with nothing running) I don't know what it is. here is a sample of what I am talking about during my shows. this one is from Duran Duran which I know for a fact is not on the master tape but on this transfer it decides to show up on this part. the first time I tried transfering it there was not glitches on this part. if anyone could possibly tell me what is going on that would be awesome. I don't send my tapes out cause there are all these glitches in them! should I be using a 7-pin to transfer? I have been to lazy to get another one as my other one fell out of my car by my little brother and it was destroyed. thanks for any help guys.

Duran Duran Problem Transfer Clip (http://www.geocities.com/ryanjonik@sbcglobal.net/transprob.mp3)
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: sml42 on November 25, 2005, 07:08:30 AM
Armen had a similar problem before:

This was resolved by setting clock source for his soundcard from 'internal' to 'digital in'... perhaps you are hitting the same problem? Good luck resolving it!

best regards,
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on November 25, 2005, 09:09:56 AM
Armen had a similar problem before:

This was resolved by setting clock source for his soundcard from 'internal' to 'digital in'... perhaps you are hitting the same problem? Good luck resolving it!


   how do I go upon doing that. I checked the M-Audio driver and this is what I got.


I highlighted what I should be changing am I correct? when I do and I try to play a song on my computer the song goes very slow. thanks for the help! will it not slow the recording? +T!
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: JasonSobel on November 25, 2005, 09:16:21 AM
Armen had a similar problem before:

This was resolved by setting clock source for his soundcard from 'internal' to 'digital in'... perhaps you are hitting the same problem? Good luck resolving it!


   how do I go upon doing that. I checked the M-Audio driver and this is what I got.


I highlighted what I should be changing am I correct? when I do and I try to play a song on my computer the song goes very slow. thanks for the help! will it not slow the recording? +T!

that is the option being discussed.  and it makes sense that it goes really slow when you try to play a file, because there is no incoming S/PDIF data stream, so it has no clock to lock on to when you play a file.

However, from your first post, it seems like you are going ANALOG out of the DAT and into your computer.  in that case, you'd want to master clock set to "internal", because again, there is no incoming S/PDIF data stream for it to lock onto.  That said, this raises the question, WHY are you transferring DAT's this way.  you are going through an extra D/A and then letting your computer do another A/D conversion again.  definintely losing a lot of info by transferring this method.  You should really be using a 7-pin with D8 to go digital out and into your computer via the S/PDIF connection.  that'll make better transfers (ideally, identical to the DAT, assuming your soundcard is bit-perfect).
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on November 25, 2005, 09:26:32 AM
I usually use the 7-pin but it was wrecked by my little brother. so I really needed to get some transfers done. not for traders but for myself. I wanted to listen to them on tape. so I guess I should get a new 7-pin then...  :) thanks guys

also to add if I get a DAT Deck like a Tascam DA-20 what would be the best cable to use in that situation? so ftom DA-20 -> Soundcard
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on December 30, 2005, 12:49:59 AM
one more question about this. I just got all my transfer stuff together and when I used your idea of setting the clock, when I transfered it, it sounded fine but then when I played it back on the HD it sounded very slow. whats up with that?
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: JasonSobel on December 30, 2005, 01:37:32 PM
one more question about this. I just got all my transfer stuff together and when I used your idea of setting the clock, when I transfered it, it sounded fine but then when I played it back on the HD it sounded very slow. whats up with that?

after you transfer the DAT and the files are on your computer, you need to set the clock setting back to "internal".  if you don't do this, it looks for an incoming digital signal for the clock source, and in the absense of an incoming signal, it doesn't know what to use a clock. 
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: tilomagnet on December 30, 2005, 02:17:53 PM
also to add if I get a DAT Deck like a Tascam DA-20 what would be the best cable to use in that situation? so ftom DA-20 -> Soundcard

The DA-20 has coax in- and outputs, so you just need a coax cable to connect to the Audiophile 24/96.
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on December 30, 2005, 02:40:32 PM
ok I retransfered the show this morning but then I tried playing it back again and it was still very slow. But then when I play other things on the computer it plays it at normal speed? I have enclosed my settings in the picture below. that is what i use when I record through the S/PDIF. I am not the best at this computer stuff.  ???
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on December 30, 2005, 02:46:37 PM
the one above as you know is the M-Audio Soundcard settings. here is the Sound and Audio Devices settings for my PC.
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: sullen on December 30, 2005, 03:01:51 PM
what is the dat tapes bitrate and soundcard SW and recording SW?
all must be set to the same.

i had a problem similar. the speed issue with a digital signal could also be a bitrate issue.

both the soundcard software and the recording software (soundforge, audicity, whatever you use)
have to both be set to 48k or 41k whatever your Mdat is at. the 3 have to match otherwise it will be slow.

Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on December 30, 2005, 03:21:31 PM
thanks sullen for the info. +T

I thought maybe thats what it was but I was not sure. The only thing I have to say is that if I record from the DAT to CD Wave will it be ok to resample it to 44.1 Khz in like lets say Adobe Audiiton? because I know that CD wave is not good with resampling.
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: sullen on December 31, 2005, 12:03:30 PM
yes, as long as you record the wav at 48k, any resampling will be at correct speed.

Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: PG on December 31, 2005, 01:51:44 PM
I'll send you a Coresound 7-pin for free (use with caution!) if you PM me your addy. I've used it for a few transfers before I got an Oade 7-pin.
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on January 01, 2006, 10:08:41 AM
I'll send you a Coresound 7-pin for free (use with caution!) if you PM me your addy. I've used it for a few transfers before I got an Oade 7-pin.

thanks alot for the offer PG. that is very kind of you, but I already purchased a 7-pin from Coresound. what is bad about the coresound 7-pin's? is it because the male insert is very fragile? +T for the offer.  :)
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: SparkE! on January 01, 2006, 10:41:09 AM
what is bad about the coresound 7-pin's? is it because the male insert is very fragile?

It does not fit right.  It was laid out with square pins with spacing in inches when it should have round pins with spacing in millimeters.  Just don't push it all the way in and you'll do OK, but it's a less than optimum solution for sure.  If you push it all the way in, you'll ruin the 7 pin recepticle on your DAT.

There have been many, many discussions of this problem and it just blows me away that the folks at Core Sounds don't fix it.  They could have the best value solution out there, but they choose to be the reason for the most failed 7 pin connectors on the planet.
Title: Re: Another Transfering question.
Post by: Depechemode1993 on January 01, 2006, 10:58:18 AM
what is bad about the coresound 7-pin's? is it because the male insert is very fragile?

It does not fit right.  It was laid out with square pins with spacing in inches when it should have round pins with spacing in millimeters.  Just don't push it all the way in and you'll do OK, but it's a less than optimum solution for sure.  If you push it all the way in, you'll ruin the 7 pin recepticle on your DAT.

There have been many, many discussions of this problem and it just blows me away that the folks at Core Sounds don't fix it.  They could have the best value solution out there, but they choose to be the reason for the most failed 7 pin connectors on the planet.

shit! I already did that!