
Gear / Technical Help => Battery Boxes, Preamps, Mixers, ADCs, and Processors => Topic started by: pmforbin on December 16, 2005, 07:46:02 PM

Title: Need advice on high-pass filtering
Post by: pmforbin on December 16, 2005, 07:46:02 PM
Until my SD 722 arrived this week, my only experience with high-pass (low-cut) filters has been a simple on/off switch.  Now I've got lots of frequency and slope options for roll-off and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about which settings are likely to yield good results in various settings.  Can anyone offer advice?
Title: Re: Need advice on high-pass filtering
Post by: zowie on December 17, 2005, 07:37:45 PM
Mine would be to leave it off and do your eq-ing in post, absent really extraordinary circumstances.  You can't put back what never gets on the tape.