
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: herrmann2burn on August 19, 2003, 09:06:20 PM

Title: Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: herrmann2burn on August 19, 2003, 09:06:20 PM
Hey Guys.  I recorded Greyboy Allstars on Saturday in NYC and was running my Laptop.  I had a guy i know patched out of me with his D8.  Well, i get home and find out that my Laptop didnt Save Set1! :o
I have no idea what happened.  Well i got intouch with my buddy, and he mailed out the DAT of Set 1 to me today, but i never ran a DAT before, and i dont own any DAT Players/recorders.  Is there anyone out there that would be willing to do a Transfer for me?  its only the first set, so it will only be a one disc transfer.  I already transferred the rest of the show that i still had from my Laptop, and it is another 2 discs, so i will include the rest of the show on CDR as a thank you.  I will also Mail it out with a return mailer, and of course will cover all the shipping charges.
I should receive the Show on Thursday, and would like to get it done immidiately, since i have to mail my friend back his original DAT.
Thanks for the Help.
Title: Re:Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: heath on August 19, 2003, 09:38:23 PM
I can help you out.  Let me know if you still need help.  Where in North Jeresey are you?  I'm from Bergen Count, but I recently moved to Pittsburgh...

Title: Re:Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: herrmann2burn on August 19, 2003, 09:43:46 PM
I can help you out.  Let me know if you still need help.  Where in North Jeresey are you?  I'm from Bergen Count, but I recently moved to Pittsburgh...

Thanks for helping me out...i just sent ya a PM.
+T to Heath   :happy:
Title: Re:Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: carrythezero on August 28, 2003, 09:17:55 AM
i'm in the same boat as rhys... i taped mmw this past weekend at a festival but i have no means of converting the DAT.  the few people who usually help me are super busy with work and school.  

is anyone interested in converting the DAT? :)

source:  akg c391b's > b18's > tascam da-20 mkII (dfc/70' back, xy110)

thanks so much for your time.
Title: Re:Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: heath on August 29, 2003, 11:49:30 AM
I can most likely help you out.  I am not too familiar with mmw's newer stuff, so track lengths or a setlist might help me out.  Worse comes to worse, I'll just put track marks in at definitive stops in the music.  Let me know if you still need help.

Title: Re:Can anyone transfer a DAT for me to CD-R?
Post by: carrythezero on August 29, 2003, 09:13:11 PM
heath -

i didn't write the setlist down during the set, but if you could transfer the DAT to cd and just put track marks at the stops like you said i'm sure i'd be able to track the tape over a few days.

thanks so much for offering to help, i really appreciate it.

if you wouldn't mind shooting me an email at: moe_mmw_fan@yahoo.ca (or a p.m.) with your address and i'll have the DAT out, your way, on monday.

thanks again, so much, and take care!

+T to you, heath!
