
Gear / Technical Help => Photo / Video Recording => Topic started by: shaggy on March 12, 2006, 07:07:41 PM

Title: Noob video DV help > HD > DVD
Post by: shaggy on March 12, 2006, 07:07:41 PM
I wanna capture miniDV to my HD and the files are huge....2gb file limit for a 9min30sec clip (using SONY ilink and Sony's DVDgate).  How do you get this to be continuous?  AVIJoiner?  If I were to encode to moeg 2 for DVD, what freeware are you guys using?  I was using TMPGenc 2.59 but the mpg2 license expired.  Any work around for that?
Title: Re: Noob video DV help > HD > DVD
Post by: sabre on March 12, 2006, 08:37:27 PM
If I were to encode to moeg 2 for DVD, what freeware are you guys using?
The are a few freeware MPG2 encoders. HC Encoder - http://www.bitburners.com/HC_Encoder/  and QuEnc - http://nic.dnsalias.com/QuEnc.html

I haven't used either but you can get support and advice at the doom9.org forums - http://forum.doom9.org/forumdisplay.php?f=62

Title: Re: Noob video DV help > HD > DVD
Post by: willndmb on March 14, 2006, 09:59:20 AM
I wanna capture miniDV to my HD and the files are huge....2gb file limit for a 9min30sec clip (using SONY ilink and Sony's DVDgate).  How do you get this to be continuous?  AVIJoiner?  If I were to encode to moeg 2 for DVD, what freeware are you guys using?  I was using TMPGenc 2.59 but the mpg2 license expired.  Any work around for that?
it just stops at 2gb??
apple programs will save in 2gb chunks but will start a new file and its seemless, so if it doesn't stop try putting the files together and see if they are seemless
Title: Re: Noob video DV help > HD > DVD
Post by: John Kary on April 13, 2006, 08:17:39 AM
Your files stop at 2GB because your hard drive is in FAT32 format, and not NTFS.  NTFS lets you have extremly large file sizes (the limit for Windows I think is 4TB but don't quote me on that) and allow you to keep an entire show in 1 AVI file.  I don't know what version of Windows you are using but the following link from Microsoft should tell you how to convert your drive.

Convert FAT32 to NTFS (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/convertfat.mspx)
Title: Re: Noob video DV help > HD > DVD
Post by: BayTaynt3d on April 13, 2006, 12:41:13 PM
Your files stop at 2GB because your hard drive is in FAT32 format, and not NTFS.  NTFS lets you have extremly large file sizes (the limit for Windows I think is 4TB but don't quote me on that) and allow you to keep an entire show in 1 AVI file.  I don't know what version of Windows you are using but the following link from Microsoft should tell you how to convert your drive.

Convert FAT32 to NTFS (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/maintain/convertfat.mspx)

Yup, true. Sometimes your capture app will split the files anyway (at a point of your choosing) just to keep the files more manageable. So, you might actually have NTFS, but that cap app will still chop them up. So, you might want to check your preferences. DV is about 13 gigs per hour, so welcome to the wonderful world of video -- and you thought audio was a PITA. LOL!

But seriously, a lot of times, this type of thing would be done in a non-linear video editor. You'd just line up everything, and then encode/render out to MPEG2. I'm guessing the capture app is making perfectly gapless splits. So, you just need to line them up, and encode. There are free tools like mentioned, but depending on exactly what you are doing (you didn't totally say), you might be better off working in an NLE.