
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: tms on April 07, 2006, 05:10:33 PM

Title: RAID help
Post by: tms on April 07, 2006, 05:10:33 PM
I set up a Silicon Image RAID control card in my pc and created a RAID1 mirrored set (2 hard drives with the same data on both).  In the process of troubleshooting another problem I pulled the card (thinking I could put it back in no problem) but alas, after reinstalling the card I can not get the set recognized by Windows2000 Pro. 

I tried connecting one of the drives directly to the main board, it recognized it but didn't see any data on there.  In the process of assigning it a drive letter I ended up reformatting it, so that one is gone.

Is there any way to get this data off the remaining hard drive?   There's about 50GB of shows I taped on there and I hate to lose them.  Apparently it's stored as metadata?  It's not NTFS or FAT32 or anything 'normal'

Any advice would be much appreciated although I think I'm f'ed.

Title: Re: RAID help
Post by: fozzy on April 07, 2006, 05:16:08 PM
You should be able to plug the drive into a standard controller, IE the one on your Motherboard and it should show up as a single disk.  If it is using a propretary FS method you may be SOL.  Does SI provide any tools outside of the drivers?

Are the drives recognized at POST (when the computer is booting)? 
Title: Re: RAID help
Post by: tms on April 12, 2006, 09:03:15 AM
You should be able to plug the drive into a standard controller, IE the one on your Motherboard and it should show up as a single disk.  If it is using a propretary FS method you may be SOL.  Does SI provide any tools outside of the drivers?

Are the drives recognized at POST (when the computer is booting)? 

That's what I thought, but when I plugged it into the mainboard it was recognized but showed unallocated, no data seen even though there was 50gb on there.

Thank you for the help. 

I ended up taking the remaining drive and the RAID card to a local PC repair place and after a couple days they managed to recover the data, reformated the drive as NTFS and put the data back on it for $48.  I couldn't believe it. I had pretty much given up hope on getting it back.

So no more RAID systems for me, I stuck that hard drive into an Ultra external enclosure which connects by firewire or USB2.  It was immediately recognized by Win2000 Pro and I got the data back onto my pc, so now I can just use the external hd for my backup.