
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: Trevor A on April 11, 2006, 10:51:30 AM

Title: MicroTrack Stuck Writing File
Post by: Trevor A on April 11, 2006, 10:51:30 AM
I got bitten by the stuck "writing file" bug for the second
time. The last time was 2 firmware revisions ago (the one
released in November), and again last night with 1.3.3. This
time it froze writing file at 57 minutes.

The first time it happened was with the 1/8 analog line-in
and the second time was using spdif. Both times the bit/rate
was 24/48. I always format the media before heading out, and
the spdif signal was active before powering the MT. I
usually record a few seconds at home to make sure everything
is working before heading out to the show, but in these 2
instances, I left with an empty formatted cf card. My cf
card is a Kingston Elite 4GB.

Has anyone ever been able to recover from this situation
without a 0 byte file, or been able to recover the data from
the cf card before it froze. There must be some data on the
card if it was going for 57 minutes. I didn't try to do
anything this time and just plugged in the usb cable in
hopes that I might be able to recover what was recorded.
Title: Re: MicroTrack Stuck Writing File
Post by: Brian Skalinder on April 11, 2006, 11:04:32 AM
These may help...

Title: Re: MicroTrack Stuck Writing File
Post by: china_rider on April 11, 2006, 02:35:49 PM
If you have the size zero file do:
chkdsk /f i:
where i: is the letter of the MT when plugged in.

After it is done transfer to your computer.  Rename with a .raw extension and open it is a raw file.  When opening as raw choose your recording parameters (16bit, 24bit, etc).  Then, once opened save as .wav and it will save with the wav header info.
Title: Re: MicroTrack Stuck Writing File
Post by: Trevor A on April 12, 2006, 04:36:20 PM
Brian, you are the king! Either that, or I suck at using the
search. ;)

China, thanks for the info as well. I use linux though, and
not windows, but I was able to translate. :P

I was able to read the file using a card reader. At 1:49:57,
right before the show ended, it went to white noise for
about a second and then stopped.

When this happened the first time, I chalked it to user
error, since it happened to a friend who I lent the
microtrack too, and he wasn't that familiar with it. But now
that it has happened a second time, and I'm sure I didn't do
anything to cause it, I'm pretty down on the microtrack.
Maybe I'll have to get a 722 instead of putting down extra
money on the mortgage... Too bad there wasn't something with
the reliability of the 722 and the size/features of the