
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Netspeed on April 24, 2006, 02:50:47 PM

Title: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: Netspeed on April 24, 2006, 02:50:47 PM
I'm recording cars for ringtones and so far, the racecars work great with the Edirol R1 mounted inside the car and just using the standard built-in mics. There's no insulation so the sound just comes from everywhere but I doesn't work so well with standard cars.

I recorded and old vintage Ferrari yesterday and the sound just wasn't as clear as I'd like. Here's the question: What type of sub-$100 mics can I use that I can place externally near the exhaust pipes that can plug directly into the R1 with a battery box? I know I'll have to use windscreens and fabricate some type of clamp, but will the length of the mic cord have any bearing on the recording? Also, I'd like to use as small a mic as possible.

Thanks for any and all advice!

Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: Cooker on April 24, 2006, 04:33:31 PM
do you get to drive the cars?

i doubt you can get much for sub-100$. maybe some used Core Sound Binaurals? I know they have the Low Cost Binaural which would probably be adequate. 

anyway, i'd love a disc of sounds after your project is complete. I doubt i want a williams FW-21 as my ringtone on my phone, but i'm a huge race car nut and would love some engine noises to jam out to.

Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: Netspeed on April 24, 2006, 04:43:46 PM
Thanks for the mic recommendations!

I wish I got to drive! The Ferrari yesterday was a 275GTB and the owner was gracious enough to blast along the famous Mulholland Dr. in Los Angeles while I rode shotgun and recorded. The amazing thing is that the car is worth about $200k...

If you want, I've got a 20 minute session with the Porsche 2.0 flat-6 that's listed on my website, www.race-tones.com. Once the laptop is back from repair :'( , I can burn it and send it to you. Just PM me your address.
Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: Cooker on April 24, 2006, 11:18:39 PM
oh if i can download i will save you the trouble..  that's exactly what i'm after (that and a ferrari V12)
Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: jeromejello on April 25, 2006, 12:06:31 AM
kieth, i just wanted to say that you gots yourself a pretty cool gig
+t for new ambiant sounds ideas
Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: kennedy on April 25, 2006, 03:39:56 AM
I'm recording cars for ringtones

nice racket +t
Title: Re: Mic recommendations for the R1
Post by: Netspeed on April 25, 2006, 12:41:36 PM
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

Once I get my full-tilt racing site up and running, i'll be able to post all the sounds there.

Cooker: Even compressed down to MP3 format, the Porsche 911 is still a 45 meg file!