
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: whatboutbob on June 14, 2006, 03:55:27 PM

Title: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: whatboutbob on June 14, 2006, 03:55:27 PM
Hey folks,

I've kinda had it with some RF issues I'm having with some RF issues I've had with my AT853s, so I'd love some suggestions on new mics.  I've done oodles of reading on here, but with the wealth of info on this site, you know how you end up going around in circles?

SSIA it all really. They need to be:

1) low-profile (kangol-able)
2) Not AT: I've nothing against 'em, except the RF probs I've been having. Apart from that I've been mostly happy with the sound I've get with at853 > ps2 > ad20 > iriver h120 (though a *teensy* bright...and that may likely be the ad20).
3)  Cost no more than $550
4) Non-omni: eg not DPA's.  A lot of the smaller venues I often hit up have a lot of background chatter I don't want to pick up.
5) Sound good in a variety of environments: I tape in everything from small clubs/pubs (more often) to theatres to small arenas.  Switchanble caps welcomed.  Music recorded varies greatly from jazz / acoustic / pop / rock

I'd be running them into a ps2/ad20 or UA-5 (yes, I know its not stealthy)

That's all I can think of at the moment.  Am I asking too much?

I prolly shouldn't say this so as not to sway the results, but I'm looking at the audix m1290's, but am a little concerned about a possible lack of bass (looking for samples if anyone's got them).

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: thegreatgumbino on June 14, 2006, 06:13:19 PM

http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=63830.0;topicseen (http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=63830.0;topicseen)
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: setboy on June 14, 2006, 06:17:37 PM
naks are sweet, and so are these http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=64775.0

Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: Zaphod on June 14, 2006, 07:03:14 PM
Here is a track of The Bad Plus 4/06/2006 @ The Depot in Salt Lake City, UT its a cover of Bjork's Human Behavior. Source is:

Audix m1290 (cardioids, DIN, DFC, balcony rail)>MP-2>PCM-M1

You tell me if its lacking bass, I think they are quite good sounding, but they don't have the bass of say Neumanns 140s.

http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=CEA5A52D5C563246 (http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=CEA5A52D5C563246)

Also what is RF interference? Isn't there a way to get rid of it?
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: nihilistic0 on June 14, 2006, 09:04:06 PM
Isn't there a new version of the AT853 coming out that supposedly does away with RF interference?

And do all At's suffer form this?  I have yet to pick up any interference with my 853's...
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: whatboutbob on June 14, 2006, 10:58:29 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys.  I'll do some listening tonight.

Re: the Frankenaks...did I read that right, that they're >20 yrs old?  If so, is that a concern?

There's not much of a taping industry down here in Australia so if there are any probs with mics I'd have to send them O/S for repairs...so I'd prefer to play it as 'reliable' as possible.

Zaphod: RFI = Radio Frequency interference.  Mine is specifically caused by cell phones.  Have your speakers ever made weird noises when you're receiving a cell call?  That's what I'm getting in recordings and its damn irritating.  With the help of a bunch of people on this board I've tried a few things to prevent it with no luck (there's a lengthy thread about it here: http://taperssection.com/index.php?topic=65932.0 .

I've found that its more of a problem in Australia than in the US because we use predominantly GSM phones, which mics are apparently more prone to (i believe due to the frequency they operate on)..

nihilistic0: I know for sure that the AT943's and the 853's are prone to it.  I've just done some digging and there is indeed a new version of the 853 (U853) that specifically mentions internal shielding against cell phones.  I had heard about them, but my knee-jerk reaction after months of frustration was that I'd had a gutful of AT so i didn't want any more to do with them...but I'm mellowing a little now.  Perhaps I should at least consider them?  I think a pair is about $500 + shipping which is on the upper end of what I'm prepared to pay.  I wonder if I could get some sort of guarantee from a retailer / AT that they would be protected from RFI?
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: jeromejello on June 15, 2006, 01:50:34 AM
hmm... you have set some standards there....

the audix are a fine choice as are the frankennaks

i know my cell makes speakers give feedback (my computer ones, the speaker in the phone at work, etc) but i have not had any issues with my mics :knock wood:  - although i tend to not have it on when i am taping, if i can remember, although, i cant turn off all the other ones in the venue, as i am sure you havent mastered that skill yet either.

good luck, i hope it all works out... although it honestly sounds like the gsm phones in oz are going to be a real pain the arse to deal with in stealth situations...
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: whatboutbob on June 15, 2006, 02:45:25 AM
I think I read somewhere that the 1290's chew through power, so running into a ps2 for example requires an external battery.

Is this the same case for the frankennaks?
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: setboy on June 15, 2006, 09:40:18 AM
Re: the Frankenaks...did I read that right, that they're >20 yrs old?  If so, is that a concern?

I really don't think that should  be a concern.

 but you never know

Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: poorlyconditioned on June 15, 2006, 11:06:55 AM
Re: the Frankenaks...did I read that right, that they're >20 yrs old?  If so, is that a concern?

I really don't think that should  be a concern.

 but you never know


I'd be a little cautious about the Naks.  I've built two pairs of these and was not that impressed with the performance.  At least the self-noise was a bit high, I didn't run them in the field.

I *suspect* that over 20 years the electret charge may decay a bit.  I also suspect that some modern mics (AT853, etc) might sound just as good, but this is just my guess.  We really need some side by side comparisons.

By the way, have you considered the Sennheiser MKE40, available from microphonemadness.com?  Those are supposed to sound just a little better than the AT853.  Who knows if they are succeptable to cell phone noise though.

Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: poorlyconditioned on June 15, 2006, 02:26:11 PM
I'd be a little cautious about the Naks.  I've built two pairs of these and was not that impressed with the performance.  At least the self-noise was a bit high, I didn't run them in the field.

I *suspect* that over 20 years the electret charge may decay a bit.  I also suspect that some modern mics (AT853, etc) might sound just as good, but this is just my guess.  We really need some side by side comparisons.
richard, did you follow marc's (leegeddy) wiring scheme?  I think they sound very comparable to at853rx mics, with the classic nak sound mixed in.
*schematic for the modification.

Yep.  That's exactly what I did.  Perhaps I got some worn out capsules, but I'm not surprised at the age of these things.  I think at the time they may have been one of very few (battery powered) mics.  But now we have so many choices.  By the way, I don't think the diaphragms are gold vaporized.

Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: Nick's Picks on June 15, 2006, 04:00:27 PM
if you want to keep things "local" for you, how about some rhode nt6's ?
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: BC on June 15, 2006, 05:47:02 PM
aren't there some mini AKG cardioid mics? Thought I saw some in the B&H or some other big catalog a while ago.

Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: BC on June 15, 2006, 05:48:05 PM

CK 31/33/77/97??
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: hyperplane on June 15, 2006, 06:59:58 PM

By the way, have you considered the Sennheiser MKE40, available from microphonemadness.com?  Those are supposed to sound just a little better than the AT853.  Who knows if they are succeptable to cell phone noise though.


I do not know this for a fact, but the Sennheiser MKE-40s have virtually identical cable as the Audio Technica mics. Not sure if that's the issue casuing the mics to pick up RFI, or if it's the mic element, FET, or any combination thereof... but I thought I'd throw that info out there.

Also, caveat emptor when dealing with Microphone Madness. Their customer service (or lack thereof) SUCKS, and they poorly package their products. But that's another story...
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: whatboutbob on June 15, 2006, 07:11:38 PM

+t for the local knowledge!

1) I never realised Rode were aussie!
2) I'd never heard of the nt6, though I of course know the nt5

Unfortunately they're a bit out of my price range new, and it appears there's not much of a used market cos they were only released 6 months ago.

Thanks a lot for all your suggestions folks.  I've been doing a lot of listening and have decided to go for the m1290's.

I'm a little wary of the age of the naks, the customer service of mic madness, and the price of the akgs.

The m1290's are available (I'm impatient and I can pick up a pair from a TS member now for $375 shipped) and I like how they sound.
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: RebelRebel on June 15, 2006, 07:12:20 PM
ive heard the Sennheiser me-104, and was quite impressed. an engineer friend of mine used them as a pickup pair for a string quartet. Sounded very nice. I think the moderate HF rise would help combat all that sonic PA mud and grime..
Title: Re: Low profile non-AT, non-omni mic suggestions for < $550 (used)
Post by: Sanjay on June 16, 2006, 01:30:56 AM

CK 31/33/77/97??

these show up on ebay frequently