
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: ljramsey on June 20, 2006, 10:51:01 AM

Title: Tracking / Splitting a files with Peak LE 5.0
Post by: ljramsey on June 20, 2006, 10:51:01 AM
Hey all - I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to track / split a file using Peak LE 5.0. I imagine it has something to do with regions, however, I am not having any luck successfully using that feature. I have been through the manual a few times but still struggling. Can anyone give me a quick tutorial on how to accomplish this?


Title: Re: Tracking / Splitting a files with Peak LE 5.0
Post by: ckc on June 21, 2006, 12:13:32 AM
I use Peak Pro 5.02, so YMMV...also I swear I learned how to do this by reading a post on this board last year, but since that time here's what I've come to do myself...

First, you'll need to make sure that the "Auto Snap" option is turned on under the option menu.

Second, make sure you select "CD Frames" in the Snap To> menu

Then I put a marker at the very beginning by clicking rewind/stop, whatever, so I know I'm at the very beginning and then doing Command-M

I rename my markers t01, t02, etc.  you'll see why later -- double-click on the little arrows at the bottom of the marker to rename

Then I move forward to each spot I want to make a track break.  I stop the recording from playing, make sure the cursor is in the right spot, and do another Command-M

Cotinue until you have completed the whole recording.  I always add one last marker at the very end.

Then I choose EDIT->Select ALL (or Command-A)

Then I choose FILE->Export Regions
Within this dialog I choose:
"Export Audio between Markers"
Output Format: Leave Defaults (in fact until you do the next section, you can't change these)
Output Directory: Save to Disk, I choose "Other Folder" and create a separate folder for my tracks
Name Prefix: I back up all of this and only leave the prefix I want -- ie jtweedy2006-04-08.matrix.d1
That way when the tracks/regions are saved it will append t01, t02, etc. to the file
The files will be without the extensions, though they will be AIFF (or WAV) files.  I don't worry about that since I FLAC stuff anyway, by then it will have the .flac extension, and when decoded they'll get the WAV/AIFF extension depending on the user.  You can always add the extension manually if you want after the tracks are exported.

That works for me -- and though I always check my files for SBEs in xACT, using the above method never leads to any thankfully.
Title: Re: Tracking / Splitting a files with Peak LE 5.0
Post by: ljramsey on June 21, 2006, 08:25:39 AM
Thank you for the help.