
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: balou2 on July 29, 2006, 03:17:50 AM

Title: Ancillary gear bags
Post by: balou2 on July 29, 2006, 03:17:50 AM
Hey folks,

So, I just picked up a Lowepro 5 for $39 (!!!!), but it's not as big inside as I thought.  Then again, the R4 takes up a tremendous amount of space.  I can SQUEEZE the R4 in with the V3 and ad2k+, but it leaves no room for anything else.  What do people recommend in the lines of "clip-on" bags, or other secondary-attaching bags?

I seem to remember Apogee making something like this, as did the Sonicase.  I'm not hung up on brand, but I'd love to have a mini-bag or two that would attach to the Nova and let me keep my clamp, shocks, and mic-pelican inside.

Thanks, and healing up,
Title: Re: Ancillary gear bags
Post by: crunchy on July 29, 2006, 11:13:13 PM
if you go to an EMS or REI they usuall thave bags that wil hold cables, batts, tapes... they usually have some sort of ring on them that works well with the carabeaners (sp?) they sell there.