
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: Swampy on November 01, 2006, 09:53:42 PM

Title: Need help buying a new internal HD
Post by: Swampy on November 01, 2006, 09:53:42 PM
So, now when I start up my computer I get an error that says that HD failure is imminent, backup data and replace hard disc. I think this makes sense as to why my computer had run so poorly the last few months. So, its out of warrenty and I need to get an new HD, but I don't know what I need to get or how to install one on a laptop (is it easy?). Im thinking probably a 100 gig, maybe a little bigger. I have no idea what to even look for, cuz Im pretty sure that when you look up "internal HDs" they are for towers right? Can anyone help me out, steer me in the right direction? Thanks!

Edit to add, Im gonna be doing some multitrack recording, is there any thing I need to know that makes drive run more effeciently?
Title: Re: Need help buying a new internal HD
Post by: flipp on November 01, 2006, 10:44:19 PM
Internal for a laptop is sold as either a laptop or 2½" hd. See what came in it originally, 4200 or 5400rpm. You can replace it with either the same speed or a faster drive but remember the faster the drive, the more heat it will generate. If the old one ran relatively cool, getting a faster drive shouldn't cause any problems but if the old one ran hot probably best to stay with the same speed. All laptops are different, check the manual to see how to replace your particular drive. Some have cages the drive goes in, others don't. Follow the instructions for your particular model. You may have to remove a cover for a part not related to the drive to be able to get it out and the new one back in or you may only need to take off the hd cover to access the drive. You will have to take the battery out to replace the hd. I've never encountered a laptop where the battery didn't need to come out no matter what was being replaced/upgraded. Don't forget to back up your data if you want to keep anything that's on the drive. If you want to start fresh, just install the drive and do a clean install of your OS.

Title: Re: Need help buying a new internal HD
Post by: Gordon on November 02, 2006, 01:21:33 AM
no experience with laptop hardrives other than the one in mine.  but I've had great luck with all my seagates. I have a 80,160, and 200 all internal and they all have 5 year warranty and have held up great so far.

I do have experience replacing a harddrive in a laptop as a month after I got mine last yeard the hdd went out.  for dells all you do is unscrew a couple screws on the bottom.  slide the old one out and slide the new one in.   
Title: Re: Need help buying a new internal HD
Post by: bzhayes on November 10, 2006, 05:20:15 PM
You also need to know is you need a SATA (serial ATA) or IDE (parallel ATA or ultra ATA) hard drive.  Laptop HD's have only been recently made SATA, so unless your computer is very new it is most likely IDE.  You can check through the documentation or search for the model online to find out.  Otherwise, if you take the HD out of the computer, you can tell by looking at the plug.  If the plug into the HD is almost as wide as the HD, it is IDE.  If the plug is small (as wide as your thumb) it is SATA.  It is also important that you buy the same type of plug on your replacement.