
Gear / Technical Help => Microphones & Setup => Topic started by: Doc on March 03, 2007, 09:40:28 PM

Title: M/S levels
Post by: Doc on March 03, 2007, 09:40:28 PM
OK, you guys convinced me to record my next orchestra concert in M/S using my TLs FOS.  I recorded a test run at the dress rehearsal today - with identical gain on the preamps the levels on my PM660 were very different:
the Mid was at an avg of -3 dB while the Side had an avg of -15 dB.  When I use the voxengo plugin in Audition the mix seems to be fine.
Just wondering if I should tweak the inputs so that the recorded levels are more even? or it's just the nature of the beast (the Side pointing perpendicular from the sound source)

Also, it's a very live room. ANy opinions which would reduce room/audience  noise more, M/S or X/Y?

Title: Re: M/S levels
Post by: Will_S on March 03, 2007, 09:50:05 PM
I'd run with the same gain on both channels.  Probably not a huge deal, but if you are coming close to 0 on both channels and then add them together in post, you may end up with clipping or having to reduce the gain before you decode anyway.  Also, if you boost the gain on the side, you will need to put much less side in the final mix to get the right image than if you'd run both channels at the same gain.

I'd say M/S has the potential for less chatter, if you go with a mid heavy mix.
Title: Re: M/S levels
Post by: iriewsp on March 04, 2007, 12:38:22 AM
I prefer to run both levels as close to the same as possible. Both peaking at around -3 would be ideal if recording in at 16bit.  The main reason being you want the best signal to noise ratio possible for both sources.  Then if you have to lower the level in the mix you still end up with an overall better signal to noise ratio. 

The way I approach mid/side is the same as any other stereo configuration.  Both levels should be the same no matter what the position or polar pattern...  Then I deal with the extra level in post.   

The beauty of mid/side is you have full controll of the overall image in post.  So depending on the image you go for, you can re-duce chatter and room sound, or you can inhance it. 
Title: Re: M/S levels
Post by: rowjimmytour on March 04, 2007, 01:16:09 AM
My experiences w/ TL'S runnin' MS I set the gains around -6 peaking at about -3 w/ good results. Good luck!!! MS is my fav so far w/ my TL's and its alot of fun decoding and mixing post editing. +t for going MS.
Title: Re: M/S levels
Post by: Doc on March 04, 2007, 11:55:14 PM
Thanks for the advice.  This should be fun.........