
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: gratefulphish on March 20, 2007, 07:47:31 PM

Title: R-4 (Pro) Lost or corrupted file
Post by: gratefulphish on March 20, 2007, 07:47:31 PM
Fortunately, or unfortunately, this is a first for me.  I was taping a show last week, and downloaded it from my R-4 Pro to my desktop. As with most shows, when the sets hit about 1:02 @ 24/96, it hits the 2Gb file limit and creates a new file and keeps going.  So when I get home from most "normal" two set shows, I have four files, 1 and 2 are the first set, and 3 and 4 are the second set.  I worked on 1 and 2 in SF8 with no problems, and then when I was done, loaded 3, also without problem.  When I went to load 4, it came back with a message that the file could not be opened and that it was corrupted.  Then I went to the file, and clicked on properties and it showed 0 bytes in the file!

Has anyone experienced anything similar.  Are there really 0 bytes there, or is it failing to read the properties correctly because of the "corruption"?  Is there any way to tell if there is really something or nothing there, and any way to try to retrieve what might be there?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  TIA
Title: Re: R-4 (Pro) Lost or corrupted file
Post by: Brian Skalinder on March 21, 2007, 11:05:30 AM
There's a good chance it's recoverable.  IIRC, you need to run chkdsk /f [driveletter]: (where [driveletter] is the drive letter of the R-4), re-transfer the file from the R-4 to your PC, then rebuild the WAV header by opening the file as RAW in an audio editor, CD-Wave or using audiohack or some such.  A few threads that may help:


Couple pages of other thread links if you search for "0 byte", but these seem to most closely mirror your problem.