
Gear / Technical Help => Recording Gear => Topic started by: evilchris on June 23, 2007, 02:56:14 AM

Title: Best flash-based recorder for stealth?
Post by: evilchris on June 23, 2007, 02:56:14 AM
As some of you may have noticed, I'm a 99% stealth kind of guy.   >:D  The vast majority of the shows I goto are stealthed by necessity.  Every once in a while, I get to clip my mics to a stand and get above the crowd, but it's a rare opportunity.

It's finally time to retire the MD unit and I'm trying to decide where to go from here.  I found a guy who's willing to buy my old MD/Sound Pros rig for a decent price, so that'll help setup my budget.  :)

I definitely do NOT want a HDD-based unit.  The battery life is generally terrible, the spinning disk generates a ton of heat and could easily be detected by a wand search, and it generally doesn't seem like a good fit for a stealth rig.

That leaves me, then, with a pocket-sized flash recorder.  I've narrowed it down to two, I think:  The MT 24/96 and the R-09.  My question to you, dear reader, is this: Which do I pick?

I tend to be the kind of guy that tapes shows because it doesn't take a lot of work and planning to grab the rig, hit the show, setup, and pull a decent tape.  I don't get anything outstanding (yet), but I'm a poor college kid (married!) and this is a hobby that I can barely afford.  I'm upgrading out of savings and birthday money.  :)

I like the R-09 because it runs on AA batteries and I have a ton of 2400mAh NiMH cells from my pre-Digital Rebel days.  I'm not crazy about having to buy new flash cards (I own nothing on SD), but that seems minor.

The MT, however, costs a bit less, uses the CF cards I already have (4x 4GB for the Rebel XT), and does 24/96 (vs 24/48 on the R-09).  The downside is that it seems to have lower-quality analog inputs (I'll be using CA cards and CA preamp or SP batt box) than the R-09.  The R-09 doesn't have digital inputs, but that's not going to be a problem in the forseeable future, unless I become a patch-only kind of guy.

So ... I think that I've narrowed it down to the R-09, which I'm ready to buy from BPMmusic.com at a great price.  I'll have to buy a 2GB SD card or two, but that's less than $100 pretty easily.  Both the R-09 and the MT are pretty easy to stealth, it seems, as neither is much larger than my iPod, but the R-09 seems to be a better fit for what I have today and what I forsee having in the relatively near future.

I might upgrade to some DPAs or something at some point, but I dunno.  Even then, I'll use a DPA pre-amp, right?  That'll still be analog to the recorder, right?

Is there another recorder that I'm obviously overlooking?  Something that would be better suited, perhaps?  Any input would be great.

Thanks.   ;D
Title: Re: Best flash-based recorder for stealth?
Post by: Arni99 on June 23, 2007, 06:05:20 AM
Go for the R09 with its rechargeable batteries which is a great advantage over the internal mt24/96 battery.
With a 4GB SD-HC SANDISK-card all is fine(6h23min in 16bit 44.1kHz).
New R09s like mine are being delivered with firmware 1.20. As of fw-1.20 the R09 is SD-HC card compatible.
Title: Re: Best flash-based recorder for stealth?
Post by: dwissl on June 23, 2007, 06:06:39 AM
The new Soundman DR-2 from www.soundman.de might be interesting. Soundman has it in stock since Monday.
Title: Re: Best flash-based recorder for stealth?
Post by: Dede2002 on June 23, 2007, 11:22:15 AM
I've been using my Edirol R-09 for like 7 months. No problem at all. Very easy to use and small (like you're asking for).
I don't care to the fact that it's lightweight and feels like an empty pack of cigarretes. It doesn't sound like one ;D
In one word: great.
Title: Re: Best flash-based recorder for stealth?
Post by: Arni99 on June 23, 2007, 01:07:02 PM
The new Soundman DR-2 from www.soundman.de might be interesting. Soundman has it in stock since Monday.
they have huge problems with the firmware as it´s only recording 4bit ADPCM....some german guys already tested it and posted their reviews on the german MD-forum.

doesn´t look good ;).