
Gear / Technical Help => Post-Processing, Computer / Streaming / Internet Devices & Related Activity => Topic started by: gkasbohm on July 29, 2007, 05:27:14 PM

Title: Improving Audio Quality
Post by: gkasbohm on July 29, 2007, 05:27:14 PM
Is there any way that I can impprove the audio quality on a recent recording I had.  I used low end gear (iPod + TuneTalk) and had some popping and some hissing at times when it got louder because I didn't use external mics because I was broke :P

I'm wondering if there are any programs out there that could help improve this... I'm not looking for any sort of a miracle, but an improvement would be nice to make it a little bit more listenable.

Or maybe someone who has these programs would be willing to clean it up for me if I sent them the recording on a data CD or DVD

On a side note (sort of) I was DFC front row at the Counting Crows concert.... effing awesome!  (Even got to touch Adam Duritz twice)