
Gear / Technical Help => Playback Forum => Topic started by: DaveG73 on November 20, 2007, 02:39:25 PM

Title: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: DaveG73 on November 20, 2007, 02:39:25 PM
I am looking to upgrade my playback, since my recording rig is complete (for now) but I have a few problems.

i) I am very limited on space.

ii) It has to be in a separate room from my computer (so no direct link to a PC playback system)

iii) Money is tight.

While I would love to run a seperates system, I really can't justify the space right now to have a full on playback system and some decent speakers.

With that in mind, a friend who has upgraded has offered me this


for what seems to be a very reasonable price. (This was the only link I could find to this product).

As I am not overly interested in 24bit right now, does anyone have any experience of these units? If I could throw down another £200/$400 on speakers would it make a decent playback rig?

Given that the unit would be under £100/$200 are there better options for me right now?

Sorry for my noob questions but I was impressed by the awards it was given and thought I would seek advice before I jumped in.


Title: Re: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: Nick's Picks on November 20, 2007, 05:31:02 PM
never seen one until now.
can't really give you any recomendations in your price range.

how about a sonic impact T amp ?
they are supposed to sound very good for what they are.
Title: Re: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: mikesalvo on January 20, 2008, 09:02:31 PM
i have an onkyo 5 disc change as well as an onkyo reciever. I couldnt be more happy w/ both units. Ive had them both for almost 10 years and wpuld not trade either of them for the world.Dont know specifics on te uni t in question, but I can vouch for the companys other products. Hope this helps just a lil bit...
Title: Re: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: Javier Cinakowski on January 20, 2008, 10:46:36 PM
Onkyo/Integra make great stuff.

It looks like the speaker outputs are 4ohms, making it diffucult to find speakers. 

The T-Amp with a set of nice efficient speakers would be a better bet I guess
Title: Re: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: bugg100 on January 20, 2008, 11:08:08 PM
I love my T-amp!  There is a new generation out now with a different style case and a few uprated parts.
Title: Re: ONKYO Compact Systems. Anyone ever had any experience?
Post by: som on January 21, 2008, 04:51:27 PM
Another plug for the t-amp. I use it for my bedroom system and couldn't be happier. Don't even have very efficient speakers, but don't ever play it very loud anyway.