
Gear / Technical Help => Ask The Tapers => Topic started by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 10:21:00 AM

Title: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 10:21:00 AM
I got a recording from a taper (the raw WAV file, nothing done to it) and started to master it today.  I immediately noticed that the WAV was squared off through much of the recording, but it is not clipping - it is ~8 dB below zero.  When I listen, there is no obvious distortion.  I'm wondering what may have happened during the recording to cause this.  All I know about the equipment is Soundfield ST250 > AV340.  Here is a link to a 1 min. mp3 sample at the beginning which coincides with the screenshot.


Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: bgalizio on January 01, 2008, 10:30:43 AM
Zoom in all the way. Is it still squared off then? If so, it's probably brickwalling.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 11:05:38 AM
Does brickwalling always cause distortion? This "sounds" okay.

Here are two more screenshots.  The first is zoomed all the way out so you can see the effect on the entire recording.  The second is zoomed in on a 5 sec. segment so you can see it squared off.

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Petrus on January 01, 2008, 11:09:54 AM
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Chilly Brioschi on January 01, 2008, 11:16:46 AM
If there is no audible distortion, then that is compression (soft clipping) , and lots of it!

Here's a great intro to limiting / compression:
The article is a Wiki, and not 100% accurate.
Probably due to the differences in terminology within the various parts of the audio and electronics industry

What was the source?  SF > Archos only???
Was it a recording made with the with ALC?

Was this thing in the signal chain?!!!:
               The "Holy Grail" Fairchild 670

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: intpseeker on January 01, 2008, 11:18:00 AM
limiter or compression of a high volume track???

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 11:49:23 AM
I'm not sure what else was in the signal chain.  I have a message out to the taper but don't expect to hear back until Wednesday. I see some notes from after the show where both bass and attentuation were set to "on" for the ST250.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: DSatz on January 01, 2008, 11:53:28 AM
vanark, first off I'm sorry, but I don't have the answer to your question. The waveforms look to me as if some analog circuitry was clipping before the signal was fed into the A/D converters. If these are the non-encoded waveforms, then given the very slight unevenness of their peak amplitudes they don't look as if they were clipped digitally and then reduced in level, which sometimes occurs.

On the other hand if the waveforms in the pictures were taken from MP3 files, then all bets are off because the MP3 encoding process plays around with all sorts of things in a signal, and in that case, I doubt that any of us here can reliably tell you what caused this. You'll have to find out how the recording was made, and find the weak link in the chain (the circuit stage that overloads first) step by step. Let us know if you need help.

Your message said "... but it is not clipping - it is ~8 dB below zero." If, however, the microphones and/or the inputs to the microphone preamps were being pushed into overload, you could get waveforms like this even though the eventual peak recorded level was well below full scale. The record level control is typically situated in the circuit of a recorder (particularly if it has both microphone and line inputs) at a point which (in terms of signal flow) is "after" the recorder's internal mike preamps. Thus it merely controls the gain with which the preamps' output is fed into the A/D converter. If the preamps' output is already clipped because of input overload, you could record those clipped signals at low levels, medium levels, high levels--any levels you want, really--but they will still be clipped.

When you use a given type of microphone with a certain powering arrangement and you connect that to a given preamp or recorder, there is a maximum sound pressure level which is the highest that the combination can handle without overload. It isn't a digital thing--it's purely analog, and believe me, the problem was just as prevalent back in the analog era. At some certain sound pressure level either the microphone itself will begin to put out distorted signals because it can't handle the SPLs (perhaps as a result of improper powering and/or loading), or the preamp/recorder input will start to distort because the voltages from the microphone are too strong for it. The level at which the resulting waveforms are recorded is a completely separate issue in most cases.

--best regards
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 12:07:10 PM
DSatz, thank you for the detailed response.  I think I understand a little more now.   :)  I sure would like to figure this out so I can provide some feedback to the taper.

Here is a WAV sample - 15 sec.  In case anyone wants to take a look at the uncompressed file.


+T's all around for the feedback so far.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: SmokinJoe on January 01, 2008, 04:35:18 PM
There is some clipping.  Although it's not widespread.  If it sounds OK, then it IS OK  ;D

Nothing that can be done to fix this show, just try to avoid it next show.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 01, 2008, 06:44:39 PM
Thanks, Joe.  I guess I understood it was clipping, but why it was clipping so far below 0dB was what I was hoping to find out.

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: cleantone on January 01, 2008, 09:50:14 PM
It is because something early in the chain was maxed out gainwise. It could be the mic, it could be preamp input stage. I am not too familiar with that rig. I think a PAD was needed somewhere though. Doesn't matter if the meter was hitting 0 or -15 it was getting maxed out before that. At least that is what I am assuming.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 02, 2008, 12:48:00 PM
I can't get much more info from the taper, so we'll have to leave it with our guesses, unfortunately. If it was my recording, I'd be able to provide more info and maybe we could figure out the source/solution.

Thanks for all your help.  +T's to those I haven't given them to already. 
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: dean on January 02, 2008, 08:11:22 PM
I'm having a squaring off issue on one part (the bottom) of my wav.   ???  Mr. Skalinder is looking into this but I'm hoping to hear from DSatz and others on this as well.

Here's the deal:
"left" mic directly between two cellos with their amps right behind them.  "right" mic situated in the tablas (with tabla amp just  behind him) and about 3' from the drum kit.  A guitar, amped, was well off to the left and really wouldn't come into play here.  He only sat in on a few tunes.

Rig is the AKG 414 lineage below, both mics set on omni.  It was a split omni pull split about 3 feet.  The mic stands were only up 2 & 3 feet, respectively, over a wood floor (an issue I hadn't considered before).  It was my first recording with the 414's and I used no attenuation whatsoever.  While I've seen this once or twice with the MBHOs I never thought much about it until I saw this thread.

Any assistance is much appreciated - thanks!
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Chilly Brioschi on January 02, 2008, 10:41:05 PM

Reflections?         :hmmm:

Since it seems to be happening with both sets of mics... perhaps the Preamp has something odd going on?
Have you tried the same mic arrangement with a different Pre/AD ?
Do you use the same cables with both mics? Perhaps (this is a real longshot here) a crystalized solder joint causing a diode-like effect? (it can happen, but is super-rare with modern solder and good technique)
Try any other set of cables.
Can you duplicate this in a test environment?

Have you touched base with whoever modded the Pre, so that they can see the waveform?


I recently recorded a show which had a Meyer reinforcement system set with some form of limiting on it.
I noticed about two songs into the show that I could crank the levels to peak at -3db and never topped 0bd.
The limiting / compression was on the source, in this case.
My peaks could have been -3db or -20db, depending on where I set the levels.
If there was strong soft clipping at the source, it would shown at -3db or -20db, depending on where my levels where.
This idea applies to each stage of the input chain.
The mic's built-in amplifier, the Pre, the A/D, and any digital (ie.- DSP) processing could each limit peaks and the levels applied after would simply "contain" them at the level recorded.

Here's a way to determine if the source may have been MP3 or mini-disk, although that doesn't really apply to your case, since you have a pretty solid idea as to the lineage:

No matter what, it doesn't sound bad.
Normalize volume to the level to a peak of -3db for louder playback and you are good to go!
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: dean on January 02, 2008, 10:59:38 PM
Thanks!  Reflections is a serious possibility afaik given the distance to the wood floor for each mic.

The pre and cables are static (see signature), and I've not had a pronounced problem like this before.  I want to rule out the mics first since they were the only difference in my chain, being it was the first time I'd used them.  I don't suspect it was any of the other parts of the lineage yet.  I'm now transferring the shows I recorded previous (with the HOs) and following this show (with the 414s) to see if this is an isolated incident or not.

Additionally, this weekend I'm meeting one of the cellists to try to recreate the problem in her home studio.  She's got a rug over wood floors so I should be able to test the wood floor theory by rolling the rug back for some of the tests.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Gordon on January 03, 2008, 03:47:45 AM
It is because something early in the chain was maxed out gainwise. It could be the mic, it could be preamp input stage. I am not too familiar with that rig. I think a PAD was needed somewhere though. Doesn't matter if the meter was hitting 0 or -15 it was getting maxed out before that. At least that is what I am assuming.

that's what it looks like to me.  when I was a noob and running the ad1000 with the soft limit on that is what the wave forms looked like.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: carlbeck on January 03, 2008, 07:55:03 AM
I would say without a doubt the ST250 was overloaded & clipping. When Nick had it we ran it at a Garaj show on stage & it was overloaded beyond belief. There are only two problems with that mic, one is where you place it & the other is how easy it is to overload. They took care of the SPL handling with the ST350.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Nick's Picks on January 03, 2008, 07:55:31 AM
the initial problem here is that it looks as though the Soundfield did not have the -20db pad engaged.
that will overload the microphone at any rock concert.

pilot error, i'm afraid.
nothing can be done to salvage it.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: dean on January 03, 2008, 09:09:47 PM
I'm having a squaring off issue on one part (the bottom) of my wav.   ???  Mr. Skalinder is looking into this but I'm hoping to hear from DSatz and others on this as well.

Here's the deal:
"left" mic directly between two cellos with their amps right behind them.  "right" mic situated in the tablas (with tabla amp just  behind him) and about 3' from the drum kit.  A guitar, amped, was well off to the left and really wouldn't come into play here.  He only sat in on a few tunes.

Rig is the AKG 414 lineage below, both mics set on omni.  It was a split omni pull split about 3 feet.  The mic stands were only up 2 & 3 feet, respectively, over a wood floor (an issue I hadn't considered before).  It was my first recording with the 414's and I used no attenuation whatsoever.  While I've seen this once or twice with the MBHOs I never thought much about it until I saw this thread.

Any assistance is much appreciated - thanks!

OK, so the squaring off does NOT occur with my MBHO's, per the wav from the previous show, but it's happened again, an it looks stranger this time, with my 414's.  I'm officially concerned.  Details on this show:

DIN subcards 30' from stage.  All the rest of the lineage comes out of my sig and is the same as the previous show with the 414's.  Again, the problem is on the "bottom" half of the wav.  See the attached pics...

Again, any/all help is much appreciated.  I'll do testing with attenuation this weekend.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 03, 2008, 10:25:00 PM
the initial problem here is that it looks as though the Soundfield did not have the -20db pad engaged.
that will overload the microphone at any rock concert.

I wish I knew for sure what was happening.  The taper indicated he activated the "Atten" button which is the -20dB pad.  Here is a screenshot of the first minute of the opening band where the levels are very hot to start and then drop down 20 dB at about the 25 second mark and then has that clipping the rest of the recording.  Here is also a 30 sec. clip from the same time.


pilot error, i'm afraid.
nothing can be done to salvage it.

Right, just trying to help the pilot not make the same mistake. :D

Thanks, Nick and Carl.  And Gordon, too.

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Nick's Picks on January 04, 2008, 07:54:44 AM
sometin' aint right.  that is for sure.

w/the pad engaged, its difficult to clip that mic.  You're talking 140db of SPL handling w/that on.

otherwise...., my next guess would say terribly compressed music by the FOH crew.
or, you smoked the inputs of the recorder.

the st-250 is a strange beast.  its output is neithr mic or line level.  somewhere "in between", and even w/the pad on its always best to run " line in" with it (unless using a good preamp in front).

Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: DSatz on January 04, 2008, 07:59:27 AM
Let me be very blunt: Both of you guys' descriptions of what equipment you're using and how it is connected are not the clearest. When you're trying to troubleshoot a setup, you need to be very conscious of every stage that the sound, the resulting analog signals and the eventual digital data are passing through. Any one (or more) of those stages may be causing the problem.

Your first approach should be to try to find ways to "tap into" the recording chain at various points along the way to see whether the signal is good or no good at that point. You want to find the first point (in the forward sequence of signal flow) where things are bad, then work backward toward the source until you find that they are not bad. Whatever's in between is causing the problem.

Just from general experience I find two problem areas to be the most prevalent. One is that a microphone which ordinarily could handle high sound pressure levels will be unable to do so, because the powering provided by the preamp or recording interface is inadequate. Sorry to say, especially with lightweight portable equipment, the words "phantom powering" are often taken to mean whatever their manufacturer wants them to mean, instead of "This circuit complies with the recommendations of the DIN EN 61938 standard for phantom powering." Thus a quick and useful test may be to shut off the microphone powering in the preamp or interface, and substitute a known good phantom power supply (assuming that your microphones are designed for standard phantom powering). If in doubt, measure--we can talk about how to do that.

The other big problem area for live, high-SPL recording is that the analog input circuitry of the preamp/recorder/interface (whatever the microphones are directly connected to) is overloaded by the voltages coming out of the microphones at high sound pressure levels. Many preamps have "overload" LEDs or level indicators of some sort--but in nearly all cases those indicators are tied to the output stage of the preamp or interface. If the voltage at the preamp input is overloading the first stage of the circuit, those indicators won't know about it, and from then on you'll have a permanently distorted (clipped) signal. I have one very popular little preamp here which I keep because it's such an extreme example: depending on how you set its gain knobs and switches, it can merrily pump out 25% THD before its "overload" light comes on, while with different settings, the "overload" light actually serves as a useful warning.

A quick test for this type of overload is to use resistive pads at the inputs of the preamp or recorder or recording recording interface. If you're plugging your mike cables into XLR sockets, place 15 or 20 dB in-line pads (Shure makes good ones, so does Audio-Technica, so do a lot of people; they're cheap and foolproof and belong in every gig bag) at those inputs. If you do that and the problem goes away, you've got the diagnosis and the cure all in one. I can't recommend this highly enough.

It is also far better sonically than using the pad switch on the microphones; the pad switch on a microphone should NEVER be used to solve preamp overload except in a dire emergency. Of course if the microphones themselves are being overloaded by high sound pressure levels, then you have no choice, although even then I would double-check the microphone powering since the #1 symptom of inadequate powering is that the microphone can't handle high sound pressure levels. As a plan "B" I would also suggest trying a basic foam windscreen just in case, since air currents can cause pressure-gradient microphones to put out enormous infrasonic energy which may cause overload even if you aren't hearing any wind noise in the main audio range; occasionally that is the problem.

In other words, when problems arise, you can't just continue to look at a typical recording interface or preamp as a single unit, even though it's contained in a single, small housing. You have to break down its functions in terms of microphone powering, preamp input, preamp output, a/d converter input, etc., because (possibly depending on user settings) any given stage of the unit may be where the problem is occurring.

I can't guarantee that the problem is in either of these two areas, but they are certainly the two areas where I see the most problems in the portable equipment I've tested. In both cases a minimum of test equipment would save a lot of time and trouble--I'm very fond of my NTI "Minirator" and "Minilyser" (signal generator and level/THD meter respectively) but there certainly are cheaper alternatives.

Also, if you have (or can borrow) any reliable substitutes for any part of the setup, you can try swapping parts around until some combination that should work doesn't work, or until something that wasn't working with one set of components does work if you just change one part of it.

--best regards
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 04, 2008, 08:09:26 AM
Let me be clear - it isn't my recording or my equipment.  Just a recording by someone else that I've been asked to master.  If it was my equipment, I certainly would be able to give you very specific details about *ALL* the equipment and the settings used.  As it isn't and the taper hasn't given it to me, I try to give info I can.  Since I do work with this taper several times a year on his recordings, I'm hoping to figure this out for him.  If I can't, at least I've tried.  As it stands, this taper is quite often the only taper flying at certain shows. This one in particular is uncirculated and the only source.

You've given some great information, DSatz, and I will refer to it when I run into similar problems with my own equipment.  I appreciate the comprehensive and detailed responses you've provided and look forward to hearing from you again.  more +T's.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: vanark on January 04, 2008, 08:16:09 AM
sometin' aint right.  that is for sure.

w/the pad engaged, its difficult to clip that mic.  You're talking 140db of SPL handling w/that on.

otherwise...., my next guess would say terribly compressed music by the FOH crew.
or, you smoked the inputs of the recorder.

the st-250 is a strange beast.  its output is neithr mic or line level.  somewhere "in between", and even w/the pad on its always best to run " line in" with it (unless using a good preamp in front).

I've since found out the taper was using a new recorder - Marantz PMD-660, not the Archos AV340 he normally uses.  I have no idea what settings he was using or if he was mic in or line in.

Funny you say something about the FOH crew.  The taper isn't overly concerned about the results as the sound at this particular venue (Young Avenue Deli - Memphis) is notoriously awful and it is impossible to pull a good recording (according to this particular taper as well as other area tapers).

I have other recordings from this taper using the ST250, including some that should be high SPL.  I'm going to do some more investigating to see what they look like at closer inspection.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Nick's Picks on January 04, 2008, 08:25:01 AM
maybe he smoked the input of the 660 then.
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: DSatz on January 04, 2008, 10:58:35 PM
vanark, my apologies, then, for glaring in your direction when it's really someone else's vague that you probably are even more frustrated about. (Don't ask me to diagram that sentence, please.)

--best regards
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: dean on January 04, 2008, 11:16:15 PM
DSatz, your reply was most helpful.  If I were anywhere near your level of expertise I'd be able to provide a much better platform for you to help diagnose the problem.  And then again, I'd really be able to diagnose it myself at that point.  That said, you've given me valuable information to go chasing after.  I learned a lot from your response and will learn much, much more by running tests based on your response.  My first step will be to pick up a pair of 15 dB in-line pads to pop into my xlr ins on the UA5.  The windscreen sounds like a smart test, as well.

In any event, you're always extremely helpful, and I really appreciate your presence on this site.  Thanks for your help.   :)
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: DSatz on January 05, 2008, 03:02:52 PM
deanlambrecht, thanks for the kind words, but I'm here to learn just as much as anyone else is--you guys are a huge resource of practical experience and experiment of every possible kind (plus a good number of impossible kinds as well).

"UA5" = a little Roland unit from a few years ago, no? Ook. Not my favorite brand of equipment; I've never seen one that had a decent phantom power supply, for one thing. It might be +48 Volts when unloaded, and have the right resistor values (which would be nice--though what's more important is that they match each other), and with some microphones that don't draw much current (say, less than 1 or 2 mA) it might be OK.

But plenty of good microphones draw 3 - 6 mA each, and a few even draw 7 to 10 mA--all of which is perfectly allowable, but many of the phantom power supplies in low-cost portable equipment will keel over. That's sad when it occurs, though at least if your recorder shuts down, you know that something's wrong. In a way it's worse for live recording if the thing keeps on going seemingly without complaint, but its power supply has dropped out of regulation and some kind of spiky buzzy quasi-DC (at some indeterminate but definitely too low a voltage) is being sent to your microphones.

I'm a self-confessed nerd; I go to AES conventions with a pocketful of 48-Volt phantom power testing plugs (see attached photo; pigs and baby are for size comparison only, not included with the PHS 48), and when I see an interesting portable recorder, mixer or preamp on display, I ask for permission and then plug the testers into its inputs. The Tascam HD-P2 passed with flying colors; Mackie mixers do well; the outboard supply/XLR adapter for the new Sony portable recorder passed likewise; but in general, any Roland units that I've tested were marginal at best. Some (sorry, I didn't write down model numbers) failed outright.

So unless I was specifically using low-current microphones (<1 mA apiece) I'd use an outboard phantom supply--preferably one that doesn't block DC from its outputs, since any preamp that has phantom powering already blocks DC from its own inputs.

--best regards
Title: Re: WAV - squared off - what happened here?
Post by: Nick's Picks on January 05, 2008, 04:08:15 PM
If the ST-250 was running directly into the Marantz PMD660 set to "mic in", then that is 100% your problem.  overloaded the inputs on the Marantz.

had you run line in, the -20db pad engaged on the mic..you'd be good.
even the atten on the input of the 660 might have helped.