I just started to get this error when doing File > Export Audio (Wav) from a VIP project
in Samplitude 11. These are going from 24/44 > 16/44 during the export operation.
I've not tried other options yet, just to see if the same error is generated. This error
seems to occur each time one track ends or the next one begins. This is happening
at the end of each track, if that matters. I know this now because the error occured
after the last track in the project.
Exact error message is
Internal Error: Multi CPU Bouncing Might Have Failed Code 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.
In place of "02" I've also seen 01, 03, and 05 the remainder of the message is the same.
Snapshot of the error also attached.
I've not heard the exported files yet, maybe they sound fine but I don't really want to baby
sit the export process. I've rebooted the machine, same problem.
Has anyone seen this error before, know what causes it, and how to fix it?