Oh god - not since the "Stacey" incident on the Jackmormons group - !
Whoever mentioned "blog" was right on target...
Imagine if all 8000 memebers of TS.com were as needy as bIGrAY!!!
You hit it right on the head (and it was I who mentioned blog). It's pretty obvious when your SIG is longer than any "useful information" that you impart in your messages (notice how quickly he changed all the masturbation references in his sig, after I brought them to his attention).
Combine that, with his "dramatic bitchy exit" that he posted, not even 48 hours ago, claiming he would NOT be making a "dramatic bitchy exit", and the fact that he couldn't even wait 12 hours to post again (so much for "leaving because some people think I'm a liar), only further illustrates his "neediness". Most intelligent folks (who weren't psychotic co-dependents) would at least change thier handle, or register a new name (like some of the nymshifters here) so they wouldn't appear so damn stupid for not being able to stay away for more than 5 minutes. Yes Ray, ppl PM'd me when they saw you online, looking for reactions/words of support in your "I'm Outta Here" thread. Too bad there were so few wails of sympathy for you there (reminds me of that Dylan-Fest @ MSG when Sinead O'Conner got boo'd off the stage). It surprised even me, that he waited almost 12 hours to post again - musta had to go to sick-call over the anxiety.
Then again, I think I hold the ts.com censorship record - 3 locked threads, and one DELETED thread in less than a 24 hour period - quit crying to the mods Ray, and just clean up your act.
And the most insulting of all - the faked "christian goodness/cheek turning act". Don't pray for me Ray - my god (who just happens to be your gods DADDY) see's thru that "born-again-hippocrite act". It pisses HIM off, worse than it pisses ME off. And KEEP your friggin +T's - my sense of self-worth doesn't revolve around them like yours does. The mere fact that I GAINED 15 of them the other nite after my post(s) (until your "apostles" got busy again) more than illustrates what folks think about my level of honesty (even though even I will admit that it can get obnoxious at times).
Good eye there Hexy - first person to notice the pattern of behavior (and actually comment in public about it). +T to you for having a sack.
And +t to you Ray - backatchadudebud...
Sorry for the thread hi-jack. Ray isn't qualified to give gear advice anyway, since he's never actually USED his. He just needed a place to post, where he thought he wouldn't be noticed.