Apologies in advance for the newbie post. Is there an all-in-one FAQ somewhere that explains (in layman's terms) the process of what to do with your WAV files once you've finished taping the show? I've read through the sticky notes on this page, and I've tried to read through the etree FAQ's, but I still feel clueless.
How many different programs do I really need to be able to track, tag, FLAC, dither, resample or whatever else I'll need to do? I've downloaded Audacity and CDWave, but haven't expiremented with either one yet, as I haven't taped a show yet. If there is one program that can do everything, that's probaby the one I'd like to use. I don't mind paying for decent software, but if I can get away with using shareware, that'd be great too.
I'm thinking that I should just record everything in 16/44.1 until I'm a little more comfortable, so that I can save myself the steps of resampling/dithering, but at the same time, I'd love to be able to record in 24 bit and offer up 24 bit FLACS/torrents as well as the good old fashioned 16-bit audio discs.
I can't remember what program I used to use to transfer DATs, I think it was whatever software came with the M-Audio 24/96 soundcard. But then again, that was all recorded in 16/44.1, so I never had to deal with re-sampling, I just split the tracks and burned the discs. I never bothered converting to SHN (FLAC wasn't around yet back then), so that whole part of the process is brand new to me.
Thanks in advance for any assistance, and for reading through this ridiculously long post.