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Author Topic: Timing issue in Samplitude  (Read 2952 times)

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Timing issue in Samplitude
« on: May 27, 2012, 04:46:53 PM »
I spent quite a bit of time stretching and positioning an audience file to match the sbd (iRiver/JB3). It sounds great from Samplitude, then when I export a wave, the same passage has awful timing issues. It goes from perfectly synced vocal to sounding like it has heavy delay on it. Is this an artifact/ bug of the program, or what? I'd think if it sounds right from the console you'd get the same on the export. I'm downloading Audacity anyway to see how that treats the same thing. It pisses me off, that I spend so much time getting it just exactly perfect then the program goes and screws it up, which I may not even notice until after it has been posted.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 04:49:28 PM by eman »
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Re: Timing issue in Samplitude
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 05:37:15 PM »
Not a bug.  Lots of ways to do things in Samp, it's got to be something that was overlooked.  I assume you are working in a virtual project instead of doing destructive editing, which means the effect is applied on playback or when writing the export file instead of directly to the original file.  Sounds like it is not exporting the stretch effected version.  Double check your file export settings to make sure it is selecting everything you want to export, including effects, maybe try track bounce instead of export, etc.  I'm not in front of a Samp machine right now so I can't offer specifics, but I'm sure it's an overlooked checkbox or something.
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Re: Timing issue in Samplitude
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 07:20:58 PM »
Very cool. I'll try that. One odd thing about Samplitude stretch is that it appends the stretched version to the end of the original file. After several attempts, the file gets too big to deal with.

Track bounce did the same thing. I'm just going to play it back and record it with Audacity. Obviously that's not a long term solution. The recording is a royal pita though, enough wind to make different songs go out in different directions so I still need to split it up and do some local syncing. That doesn't explain why that happened though.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2012, 12:06:18 PM by eman »
Theologically speaking, the two parties have divided the Seven Deadly Sins as follows: Republicans oppose lust, sloth and envy; Democrats scorn gluttony, greed, wrath and pride. Little progress is reported. -Gene Lyons

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Re: Timing issue in Samplitude
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 05:04:44 PM »
One odd thing about Samplitude stretch is that it appends the stretched version to the end of the original file. After several attempts, the file gets too big to deal with.

That's not what you want.  Sounds like it is duplicating the original object with a new the stretched object.  Are you applying it as a destructive or off-line effect?

The way I do it is at the object level- open object properties for that stereo track and modify its stretch values.  That way there is no object duplication, the original track plays back and exports however you effected it (assuming you specify that on export) eventhough the original file is unchanged due to working as a virtual project.
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Re: Timing issue in Samplitude
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 12:41:26 PM »
I did try stretching the source file by itself first, saving, then bouncing and exporting from the project, same results. This doesn't make sense unless maybe I have some kind of automatic sync setting enabled? I'll look into that.
Theologically speaking, the two parties have divided the Seven Deadly Sins as follows: Republicans oppose lust, sloth and envy; Democrats scorn gluttony, greed, wrath and pride. Little progress is reported. -Gene Lyons


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