LKJIL -- I've experienced the exact same issue as you before. When one splits and deletes an object, SAM doesn't actually delete the underlying audio. The audio remains. In two places, actually! Best described by an example (from memory, I don't have SAM on my work laptop):
Take a 60 sec waveform. Split it into 3 objects: Object A (0-20 sec), Object B (21-30 sec), Object C (31-60 sec). Delete Object B, the middle object (21-30 sec). Now...drag/extend the right side of Object A, or the left side of Object C. And what will one see? The content from (deleted) Object B! Even if you move Object C, so that it abuts Object A, the content is still there. Depending on how one applies crossfades, it's possible to reveal some of the content from Object B.
There are at least two ways to apply crossfades: <1> move 2 objects so they overlap, ensuring one does not change the size of either object, <2> overlapping and/or extending each object so that they overlap, in part by changing the size of the objects. In case <2>, changing the size of the objects may reveal content from the deleted object that previously resided in between them.
Basically, you have to make sure you don't "un-delete" any of Object B's content as you apply your crossfade. Not at my home PC to explain how in greater detail, but hopefully this provides a bit of guidance.