Don't think we are going to know that until it comes out... Surely it'll be something comparable to any of the above units/combos you mentioned. If not, there will be a flood in the marketplace.
The price is high, but is there another company putting out a competitive product? Not really. The only thing that I would consider ballpark is the the PDA recorder, only b/c of its 24/96 compatibility, and it doesn't have a pre/ad. I have a friend that has the pda recorder up and running, and he seems to like it alot. However, it cost him well over a grand. The nice thing about it is that he can mix and match the front end to his liking. The bad thing is that he has to deal with a palm pilot. Either way, he has over $2500 invested in the pda and v3.
With any luck, I'll have a 722 to run at the Stockholm Syndrome shows in Charleston at the end of May. It'll be run head to head with the v3>pda.