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Author Topic: What should I do?  (Read 40636 times)

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Offline geoff piper

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What should I do?
« on: March 01, 2003, 04:40:29 PM »
I'm a newbie looking for a rig. I have been reading everything on these boards and others for about two months or so now and would just like to get a overall opinion on a set up. Would it be better for me to run
great mics> Phantom power>D100


good mics>preamp>d100.

I know that mics make the most difference in the rig so I am guessing that the overall consensious is that of the first choice. I will be do both open and stealth taping. If you read this already at another board I'm sorry I'm just looking for the most opinions I can find. Thanks for your help.

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 04:56:15 PM »
Most Pre Amps supply phantom power, or they are called mic to line drivers. True mics are the most important part of the rig, but not the most important part in taping. You have to make some sacrifices in fidelity to make tapes in certain enviroments. IE, large diaphram mics are no good for stealth... In my opinion, the most overlooked part of making good tapes is knowing how to make good tapes. This means getting  the equipment to work to it's fullest potential, and using the equipment correctly. Dont expect a huge investment to get you better tapes, there is a considerable amount of the wuality that relies on your ability to make the best of the venue and your gear.


Offline geoff piper

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2003, 05:18:51 PM »
Location, Location, Location!!!
Oh yeah, nice gear helps  ;D


every show i go to i try to watch to see how every taper sets up. The angles, heights, mic placement style, etc.  And I have a bunch of friends that tape that have given me advice and the links to places where i can look for information. So I'm learning a little at a time but would like something to get me started. I know that i should stay with something that i can learn on.

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2003, 05:25:34 PM »
we are here for you if you have any questions! We were all there once.... ;)


Offline geoff piper

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2003, 05:37:25 PM »
we are here for you if you have any questions! We were all there once.... ;)


I'm just not sure what way i should go... If i got with just the mic>phatom power would i be able to stealth. I know that if i go mics> preamp i will be able to since the MP-2 is small in size. I'm looking for a good sound, not the best but good enough to listen to without having alot of static, etc. What would you suggest? And again thanks alot i know its repetitive to help out newbies.

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2003, 05:42:54 PM »
ok, I see where you are coming from now. What type of shows will you be taping?


Offline Brian Skalinder

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2003, 05:44:25 PM »
Hey Geoff --

What mics are you planning to use?  Not all mics sound their best with all preamps, so if you do go with an MP2 pre, make sure you've listened to the mic/pre combation in some tapes first.

Everything mentioned so far is spot-on.  Here's my $.02, I'd go:

great mics > Phantom power > line transformers > D100

Not only is this stealthier than the MP2, but it's also a lot less expensive, or at least allows you to put the MP2 money into a set of higher quality mics if you so choose.  Line transformers can be had for ~$40/pair and are a great, inexpensive way to apply clean gain so you can go line-in on the D100.  You can always sell the phantom power and line transformers later to get a pre, but this way when you do, you won't also be wanting to change the mics for an upgrade.
Milab VM-44 Links > Fostex FR-2LE or
Naiant IPA (tinybox format) > Roland R-05

Offline Brian Skalinder

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2003, 05:53:16 PM »
I'm just not sure what way i should go... If i got with just the mic>phatom power would i be able to stealth.

Definitely.  In fact, the phantom power box + line transformers (see my other post) should be smaller than the MP2.  Stealth away.

I'm looking for a good sound, not the best but good enough to listen to without having alot of static, etc. What would you suggest?

A good set of mics with either pre or phantom/line transformers will get you good sounding tapes (no static/distortion).  I personally think leaving the pre out of the equation is a good way to start - let's you figure out the rest of your gear, learn how your mics sound in different situations, and tailor your pre choice down the road to address specific attributes you do or don't like about the tapes you've been pulling.  And at the same time, it gives you an opportunity to listen to other recordings to help decide which pre you like best matched with your mics for the kind of taping you're doing.  It's a little more work and takes a little more time, but it also allows you to make the most informed decision possible.

Have you decided on a budget?  It may help for some to provide more valuable and more detailed input.  But one thing to always remember: we're offering up our opinions.  Ultimately, the choice is yours - do what your ears like and makes sense to you.
Milab VM-44 Links > Fostex FR-2LE or
Naiant IPA (tinybox format) > Roland R-05

Offline zhianosatch

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2003, 06:07:09 PM »
Yep, I think we need more info on budget, which shows you're going to, etc.

Offline geoff piper

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2003, 06:13:12 PM »
Ok i already have the D100. I have around 800 for mics-power-transformers. I was looking at the MG M300<PS2 combo. I like the M300's are very detailed and warm with good bass respone. I'll be taping: my friends who plays acoustic guitar, DMB(even though there are many great tapers) blue grass bands, local artist, Howie Day, etc. Thanks again for the input


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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2003, 08:10:53 PM »
I think the gefell's alone are going to run around 6-700 bucks per pair.  They are quite nice though!
I am going to be running the 200's in the near future!


Offline Brian Skalinder

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2003, 09:10:57 AM »
I don't think you can go wrong with the M300s, Geoff.  I only have one or two recordings with these mics - really nice.  I've heard and read nothing but rave reviews about the M300s, too.  But, most importantly, it sounds like your ears like them:
I like the M300's are very detailed and warm with good bass respone.

If your ears like 'em, I say go for it.

Even if new at $700 as Daryan says, that still leaves you $100 for a used PS2 for power and $40 for line transformers, you're looking at $840 - pretty darn close to your $800 budget!

Keep your eye on the Oade Gear Exchange - lots of good gear up for sale there pretty regularly, you might luck out and come across an M300 pair, and surely have a good shot at a used PS2.
Milab VM-44 Links > Fostex FR-2LE or
Naiant IPA (tinybox format) > Roland R-05

Offline geoff piper

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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2003, 12:43:18 PM »
Thanks guys for all the help, it really means alot to me. I think I'm going to go with the M300's> PS-2 for now and if I enjoy it the upgrade bug might hit me next year. By the way can someone point me in the direction of where i can buy line transformers?
Thanks Again


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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2003, 08:22:39 PM »
Just to follow up, I have been doing quite a bit of my own research on gefell's in the last couple of months.  Go to, and see if they have some demo's.  I got my m200's from them this week for as grand total of 795 dollars, including 2 card caps, one omni, and one hyper cap.  I am going to sell the omni and buy another hyper I think.  The guy I talked to and who answers the questions is very nice and professional, I would highly reccomend them.  Otherwise, check out the overseas retailers for new ones.  I was quoted 675 and 695 by the two well known retailers here, and the gell m200 was about 100 dollars cheaper at  Just some food for thought!  I will post the exact price in a second!



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Re:What should I do?
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2003, 08:25:25 PM »
OK, well they are 900 a pair overseas, which seems like a lot.  I would talk to gprime.  Tell them you saw the special they were offering last year for buy one get one half off, and see if they will still honor that.  I know they still had it a couple months ago!



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