I used the same model fostex that Will notes and for situations where you are using it line-in or in non-nature/louder environments, I think you would be surprised at how well it performs. It does have a low noise floor, but it has less gain than the 7 series IIRC, and it's not the same build caliber as the SD machines. (and it does sort of look like a Fisher Price toy)
I think an option to consider as well, while not an all in one, would be the SD USBPre2. Its essentially a 702 but without a recorder (mate a rca spdif/optical with it). Paired with a Sony D50 (optical receiving) would bring you in around $1k total and essentially replicate a 702 as the pre2's ADC is the same chip and the preamps mimic the 788's design. What it doesn't replicate is the power-failover options that the 7 series have.
I guess the great question is; "will this be used for mission critical work where you need something every single time from demanding environments" If so, I don't think there is much question that the 7 series are the answer, but outside of that, I think you can start to scale back to the usbpre2 or the fostex. ymmv, best of luck.