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Author Topic: How Many Sources?  (Read 18340 times)

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Re: How Many Sources?
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2022, 12:51:42 AM »
Varies, typically one when doing stealth but if I'm w/ my SO and it's a show that we know an archive exists for where they would appreciate as many sources as possible I'll wire her up w/ a second set of mics. She loves that lol. If I'm testing new gear I always bring a backup rig, like what I did for Tool last year when running the Babynbox for the first time.

Your SO is way cool.  You can tell her I said so.

Offline Scooter123

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Re: How Many Sources?
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2022, 12:50:50 PM »
IEMs already have a latency issue (slight delay in hearing what the artist is singing) and adding encryption and a digital signal and then having unpack that would only add to latency. 

That technology has been around for ten years + and artists have resisted such technology.  Traditional wegie monitors have an edge in that regard and remain popular.   

mk41 > N Box  > Sony M-10
mk4 > N Box > Sony M-10

Offline hoserama

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Re: How Many Sources?
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2022, 12:57:27 PM »
Lectrosonic has a digital IEM system. I've heard folks complain about the latency, altho that can be mitigated by connecting to a digital board DANTE system. Biggesr issue to me is folks complaining about the sound...sounds like the audio codec leaves a lot to be desired on the high end. Probably a lot of compromises made in order to keep latency down.
Audio: Countryman B3 + AT853(hypers/cards/subcards) + SBD feeds
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Recorders: TE TX-6, Zoom L20R, Zoom F8, (3) Tascam 680, (3) Tascam 2D, Zoom H6, and a graveyard of irivers/nomads/minidiscs.


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