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Author Topic: audacity save as wave  (Read 3508 times)

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Offline panther65

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audacity save as wave
« on: October 28, 2006, 05:54:08 PM »
When I drag a 16/44.1 wave master file into Audacity and then save it as a wave file it changes the size and bit rate. For instance the master wave file is 1.04gb; bit rate:2116 kbps; wave sound. The saved file is 714mb; bit rate:1411 kbps; wave sound. I didn't do any editing whatsoever, just to see what the resulting file would look like. I think I've checked all of the appropriate settings but maybe I missed one. Can anyone tell me if this is what Audacity does or how I might solve this problem.
Schoeps MK4>KCY250/5I>Schoeps VMS 5 U>Tascam HD-P2

Offline hyperplane

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Re: audacity save as wave
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2006, 06:10:03 PM »
When I drag a 16/44.1 wave master file into Audacity and then save it as a wave file it changes the size and bit rate. For instance the master wave file is 1.04gb; bit rate:2116 kbps; wave sound. The saved file is 714mb; bit rate:1411 kbps; wave sound. I didn't do any editing whatsoever, just to see what the resulting file would look like. I think I've checked all of the appropriate settings but maybe I missed one. Can anyone tell me if this is what Audacity does or how I might solve this problem.

I don't use Audacity, but based on the figures you gave (in bold print in the quote above), it appears that Audacity is converting the master file to 24-bit for editing and then it saves the file at 16/44.1.

Offline Brian Skalinder

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Re: audacity save as wave
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2006, 06:58:54 PM »
Make sure the Project Sample Rate (bit depth) is set to 16-bit, the Project Sample Rate is set to 44.1 kHz, Preferences | Quality | HQ Dither is set to none, and Preferences | File Format | Uncompressed Export Format is set to 16-bit.  If you're performing any editing, though, you may desire different settings.  This Audacity Workflow I put together provides some additional detail and may help:
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Offline panther65

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Re: audacity save as wave
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 07:32:16 PM »
I have followed every step that you outlined and still get a 714mb file at a bit rate of 1411kbps from a 1.04gb file at a bit rate of 2116kbps. Maybe I'm missing something here. Should I get the same exact file out of Audacity that I put into it-provided I make no edits or change the sample format and rate?
Schoeps MK4>KCY250/5I>Schoeps VMS 5 U>Tascam HD-P2

Offline Brian Skalinder

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Re: audacity save as wave
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 11:23:22 PM »
For instance the master wave file is 1.04gb; bit rate:2116 kbps; wave sound. The saved file is 714mb; bit rate:1411 kbps; wave sound.

Looks to me like the original wave file of 1.04 GB is actually 24-bit / 44.1 kHz:  24 x 44.1 x 2 (channels) = ~2116.  The newly saved file looks like its 16-bit / 44.1 kHz:  16 x 44.1 x 2 (channels) = ~1411.

I'm guessing this recording's about 60min long?  With what gear did you record?  Did you perform any editing at all on the file, in Audacity or another program?  In what software are you looking to find the bit-rate of 2116 and 1411?

I don't use Audacity, but based on the figures you gave (in bold print in the quote above), it appears that Audacity is converting the master file to 24-bit for editing and then it saves the file at 16/44.1.

Audacity doesn't do any conversion during import - only when one edits, and that only if configured to use a different bit-depth than the original file.
Milab VM-44 Links > Fostex FR-2LE or
Naiant IPA (tinybox format) > Roland R-05

Offline panther65

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Re: audacity save as wave
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2006, 12:04:43 AM »
I am very thankful and impressed. I had indeed (somehow) recorded this show in 24/44.1. I though all along that I had recorded it in 16/44.1 but I was wrong. This was the first show that I recorded with the Tascom HD-P2 and the sample/rate must have been set at 24/44.1.
Thank you for your time and responses.
Schoeps MK4>KCY250/5I>Schoeps VMS 5 U>Tascam HD-P2


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