so I have a Sony D8 that I haven't even taken out of the closet since last year's Langerado because when I attempted to patch out Friday night, I was getting errors. i tried patching into both a SD722 (steve bazley) and a D8 (i think, Sean Yockus) from both sources I got a No Input reading or whatever it says, this is not the first time I've had this problem, apparently my D8 is very picky.
I took it out this week to test it, I tried patching out of my AudioPhile card and again No Input, then I patched into my R300 and it all worked perfectly. I have active and passive 7 pins and I get the same result with both.
I would like to tape some stuff this year but don't want the hassle and frustration that I had last year and then carry around the deck all day if it isn't being used.
I know you guys will get every set taped...