I wasn't expecting such a diverse set of replies but I thank you all- I didn't want to start a war of words.
First of all I have broad shoulders & I understand what is written may not necessarily come across in the tone intended although the 'My only advice would be to actually put some effort into getting it right next time.' comment was a bit poor
No! I suppose I'm NOT a taper- there was absolutely no tape involved in my recording
it was purely digital
My little bit of advice was genuinely to help other newbies, just a starting point for them -
the more I record will decide how serious I get about this 'hobby' - I'll spend more money once I decide it's something I want to get better involved in and
the more I do the more I will learnas for sharing the recordings- I have collected live audience/soundboard recordings since the 70's & my attitude is I am always happy to have something in my collection whatever the quality, until something better comes along so I will share mine eventually - although it was never my intention to make them out to be anything other than what they are
lastly, genuinely, I DO thank those of you who gave me genuine pointers about how to do things better next time - this sort of information is so important, helpful & appreciated
Not all of you came across as 'grumpy'- your points are valid & taken on board
I know what I did wrong- I know how to get better - can you say the same !