Well, I ran some tests and came up with a clear result:
My colar velcro setup sucks, any slight movement produces noise, especilly when turning my head, moving my arms, or - worst - when rolling my shoulders. Even when trying to sit completely still , some noise was audibe. After that, I ran a comparison recording, with the microphones held in place by some wire loops.
Guess what: no noise !
Well, I got to explore other setup possibilities now. For me, stealth - well camouflaged setup - is of highest importance, to be able to still enjoy the show while recording. From that point of view my currant setup is tops, but a letdown in the noise department. The default setup for these microphnes appears to be clipping them onto the clothes. But how do you do that without them coming into plain view, for everybody to see, cables and all? I neither want to wear a hat nor croakies. I'm thinking of somehow placing them underneath my arm pits.
I ordered my microphones without the clips. Chris, would you be able to retro-fit them with clips, if I cover the costs for postage, parts and work?