darby, the din unlock is a menu setting. The deck is looking for a digital inout that is not there(no lock on signal or digital in unlock message)
I went thru the entire menu and even tried to do analog in without running digital
plus I tried 2 SPDIF cables that worked fine with my V3 > P2 after wards
I would still get that error message even running
NO digital in on the menu
sometimes it will read the cards, but give me the
DIN unlock message
other times it would give me the
Sys Rom Error message
when powering down and back up with the card still in the unit
cards... fine most likely, since my computer reads them and the unit
was reading them
SPDIF cables... fine
digital out on V3... fine
basically the unit just started acting up with nothing changed on the menu and...
I went thru the settings when setting up at the show and things were set properly 2 nights in a row
I ASSUMED that things were alright yesterday morning by switching cards and the unit fired up
but I did not actually run any tests and got hosed last night when trying to fire up the unit at the show
and all that I'm getting now are the 2 error messages
I'm going to give TEAC a call tomorrow and send it in