Ok, so maybe this'll help, maybe not;
Here's some more info that isn't currently doing me any good.
After letting macamp "not run" for a while, it still doesn't show as being hung up:
"445 MacAmp Lite X tabrandt 0.00 4 2.86 MB 53.20 MB"
Inspecting with System Profiler shows macamp has the following "Open Files":
/ (/dev/disk0s5)
0x00d1646c file struct, ty=0x3, op=0x30f300
0x00d16568 file struct, ty=0x3, op=0x30f300
(don't worry, i faked up my ip, but you get the idea)
...and a Sample of MacAmp Lite X reads as follows:
2004-04-30 19:50:24.556 sample[650] Couldn't start c++filt for C++ name demangling
Analysis of sampling pid 445 every 10.000000 milliseconds
Call graph:
279 Thread_0e0b
279 0x2a4c
279 0x2bcc
279 NSApplicationMain
279 -[NSApplication run]
279 -[NSApplication finishLaunching]
279 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]
279 _CFXNotificationPostNotification
279 __CFXNotificationPost
279 _nsnote_callback
279 0x310c
279 0x353c
279 0x17b34
279 0x17bd8
279 0x18050
279 0x18228
279 _decodeObject_old
279 0x18a64
279 0x188e8
279 0x186e8
279 -[NSURL resourceDataUsingCache:]
279 +[NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error:]
279 -[NSURLMonitor wait]
279 _pthread_cond_wait
279 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
279 semaphore_wait_signal_trap
279 Thread_0f03
279 _pthread_body
279 forkThreadForFunction
279 -[NSSynchronousURLConnectionDelegate run:]
279 CFRunLoopRun
279 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
279 __CFRunLoopRun
279 mach_msg
279 mach_msg_trap
279 mach_msg_trap
279 Thread_1003
279 _pthread_body
279 forkThreadForFunction
279 +[NSURLConnection(NSURLConnectionInternal) _resourceLoadLoop:]
279 -[NSRunLoop run]
279 -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:]
279 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
279 __CFRunLoopRun
279 mach_msg
279 mach_msg_trap
279 mach_msg_trap
279 Thread_1103
279 _pthread_body
279 _loadRunLoop
279 select
279 select
Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when >=5):
Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when >= 5):
mach_msg_trap 558
select 279
semaphore_wait_signal_trap 279
Sample analysis of process 445 written to file /dev/stdout
Sampling process 445 each 10 msecs 300 times
Thanks again for taking an interest in this.