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Author Topic: software to synch several camera video files with 1 separate audio file  (Read 8286 times)

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Offline juliocruz

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I record video with my camera and separate audio with an audio recorder. The video consists of several files (because of the 30 min limitation and sometimes a battery switch) and the audio is just 1 file. Now I am looking for free or not too expensive software to synch the separate audio with the video files. I would prefer to keep the audio file as it is, which would mean that there would be some gaps in the final video file. I hope some people can help me with this. Thanks!

Offline beatkilla

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Re: software to synch several camera video files with 1 separate audio file
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2019, 09:49:11 PM »
Myself i do this all manually by hand in Sony Vegas Pro.

I have heard others use Plural Eyes to do this automatically.I have not used it though.

Offline guitard

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Re: software to synch several camera video files with 1 separate audio file
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2019, 06:58:50 PM »
Myself i do this all manually by hand in Sony Vegas Pro.

I have heard others use Plural Eyes to do this automatically.I have not used it though.

Exactly the same for me.  For starters, even with modern recording equipment, I often find that the audio runs slightly faster or slower than the video (maybe 3-4 frames in a one hour video).  That doesn't sound like much, but it's the difference between the drummer's drum stick hitting the drum on the beat and the stick being held up above the drummer's head at the sound of the drum beat.  Furthermore, there is almost always a difference in the sync between the video and audio unless the video has been shot from really close to the stage.  Various other issues as well.

IMO - the only way to truly get everything synced perfectly is by using your eyes and ears.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 04:59:36 PM by guitard »
Mics: Schoeps MK41s & MK41Vs >:D
Pre-amps: BabyNbox & Platinum Nbox
Deck: Sony A10

Video: Canon HF G70 (4K), Sony FDR AX100 (4K), Pany ZS100 (4K)
Photo: Canon EOS R5 Mark II w/ Canon RF 24-105mm f/4L lens & Canon RF70-200mm F2.8 L telephoto lens

A/V software: Sony Vegas Pro 18 (build 527) 64 bit / DVD Architect Pro 6.0 (build 237)

Offline tapeheadtoo

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Re: software to synch several camera video files with 1 separate audio file
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2019, 01:51:11 PM »
I used to sync everything manually.  Sometimes it took literally hours (I can tell if it's off by only one or two frames).  Fortunately now Final Cut Pro X has automatic syncing capability.  I can take a two hour hour video file and several audio files, or conversely a long audio file and multiple video files, select them all, hit "sync" and a few minutes later it's done.  Magic.  It's accurate, too.  Once that's completed I can adjust for sound delay if necessary, easy to do as that is constant throughout the show.
Mics: Schoeps MK4, DPA 4061, AT953, Shure MV88
Preamps/BB: Nbox, tinybox, ST-9100, CA-UGLY, SP-SPSB-10
Recorders: In use--Teenage Engineering TX6, Tascam DR-2d, Sony PCM-A10, Zoom L-20R; collecting dust--Sony M10, Ediirol R-09, Zoom H4n, Zoom H6, Cymatic LR16
Video: In use--Panasonic VX981, Panasonic ZS100, GoPro Hero 12; collecting dust--Sony HDR-CX520V, Sony HX9V, Panasonic ZS3/ZS7


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