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Author Topic: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?  (Read 9211 times)

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Offline dlh

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Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« on: March 17, 2021, 01:52:06 PM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.
480b, 460b, Line Audio CM3, SP LSD2, AT BP4025, SP C4,
MiniMe, MiniMP, AND ANNOUNCING the recent adoption of a Mini-Dac. The little bro's are SO excited  :yahoo:

DR-680, DR-100 MKII, PMD671, fr2LE, MTII

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Offline rocksuitcase

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Re: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2021, 02:07:18 PM »
Yes, we have powered two devices from our MAxOak. Pretty sure one was a 9V and the other a 12V.
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Mics:         AKG460|CK61|CK1|CK3|CK8|Beyer M 201E|DPA 4060 SK
Recorders:Marantz PMD661 OADE Concert mod; Tascam DR680 MKI x2; Sony PCM-M10

Offline kindms

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Re: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 03:50:35 PM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.

The maxoak only has a single 12v

rocksuitcase is mistaken. The talencell has 12v and 9v which we have used to run the V2 and v3 and/or the decks

If one of your devices can take a 20v or USB then sure it will work. We have used the 12v rail with several USB devices plugged in etc. All the outs are hot.
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Offline rocksuitcase

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Re: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2021, 05:59:34 PM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.

The maxoak only has a single 12v

rocksuitcase is mistaken. The talencell has 12v and 9v which we have used to run the V2 and v3 and/or the decks

If one of your devices can take a 20v or USB then sure it will work. We have used the 12v rail with several USB devices plugged in etc. All the outs are hot.
Apologies. kindms is correct. Those talentcells are pretty fine and versatile for what we do.
music IS love

When you get confused, listen to the music play!

Mics:         AKG460|CK61|CK1|CK3|CK8|Beyer M 201E|DPA 4060 SK
Recorders:Marantz PMD661 OADE Concert mod; Tascam DR680 MKI x2; Sony PCM-M10

Offline dlh

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Re: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2021, 06:02:05 PM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.
Well, now I have the Maxoak and the Talent Cell PB120B1.  I've made cables to allow devices to share power so I'll test these out and report back later.  I hope it will power the MiniMe, MiniMP and DR-680. The Apogees will run on 12v but neither the ANKER or Naztech batteries supplied enough amperage at 12v so I had to run them at 9v.  The Maxoak and the Talent Cell provide more current, but I'll still be surprised if either one runs all three units.  These batteries replaced aging Naztech and ANKER batteries so it's all good.  It's getting harder to find batteries with 9v or 12v outputs.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 06:16:28 PM by dlh »
480b, 460b, Line Audio CM3, SP LSD2, AT BP4025, SP C4,
MiniMe, MiniMP, AND ANNOUNCING the recent adoption of a Mini-Dac. The little bro's are SO excited  :yahoo:

DR-680, DR-100 MKII, PMD671, fr2LE, MTII

De gustibus non est disputandum.
"It's just this little chromium switch here.  You people are soo superstitious."

Offline dlh

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Re: Maxoak and Talent Cell run times
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2021, 11:55:08 AM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.
Well, now I have the Maxoak and the Talent Cell PB120B1.  I've made cables to allow devices to share power so I'll test these out and report back later.  I hope it will power the MiniMe, MiniMP and DR-680. The Apogees will run on 12v but neither the ANKER or Naztech batteries supplied enough amperage at 12v so I had to run them at 9v.  The Maxoak and the Talent Cell provide more current, but I'll still be surprised if either one runs all three units.  These batteries replaced aging Naztech and ANKER batteries so it's all good.  It's getting harder to find batteries with 9v or 12v outputs.
My setup was:
DR-680 channels 1-4 AKG 460's
Apogee MiniMe AKG 480's (dig in)
Apogee MiniMp AKG 480's (channels 5-6)

Run times:
Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W) - 11 hours 42 minutes
Talent Cell PB120B1 - 9 hours 42 minutes

Audio files sound fine; no noises from ground loops that I can see or hear.  All levels appear to be equal to each unit run individually.
I am pleasantly surprised.  Now to build a small distribution box, instead of the power "squid" I built.
480b, 460b, Line Audio CM3, SP LSD2, AT BP4025, SP C4,
MiniMe, MiniMP, AND ANNOUNCING the recent adoption of a Mini-Dac. The little bro's are SO excited  :yahoo:

DR-680, DR-100 MKII, PMD671, fr2LE, MTII

De gustibus non est disputandum.
"It's just this little chromium switch here.  You people are soo superstitious."

Offline dlh

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Re: Will Maxoak power 2 pres?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2021, 11:59:27 AM »
Amazon has a sale on Maxoak 185Wh/50000mAh(Max.130W). It's on its way.  I would love to power a MiniMe and MiniMp at the same time.  Has anyone done anything like that?  I have a Talent Cell also that powers my DR-680.

The maxoak only has a single 12v

rocksuitcase is mistaken. The talencell has 12v and 9v which we have used to run the V2 and v3 and/or the decks

If one of your devices can take a 20v or USB then sure it will work. We have used the 12v rail with several USB devices plugged in etc. All the outs are hot.
The Maxoak I have, has a 12v and 20v.  The Talent Cell PB120B1 has a single 12v.  Both have 5v usb.
I built a power squid to split the 12v out four ways. (parallel connections)
480b, 460b, Line Audio CM3, SP LSD2, AT BP4025, SP C4,
MiniMe, MiniMP, AND ANNOUNCING the recent adoption of a Mini-Dac. The little bro's are SO excited  :yahoo:

DR-680, DR-100 MKII, PMD671, fr2LE, MTII

De gustibus non est disputandum.
"It's just this little chromium switch here.  You people are soo superstitious."


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