« on: February 05, 2022, 07:54:11 PM »
Hey fellow tapers!
I've noticed that my current setup with SP-CMC-4U (AT853) male mini plug -> SP-SPSB-10 battery box -> M10 or ER05 introduces one channel crackling noise/dropouts if I move the BB or the inter connector during recording. When all is left untouched all is fine, but obviously this is far from satisfying so a couple of questions for the gurus here...
1. What is most likely the issue here? The battery box, the interconnector or the combo?
2. What is my best option for a BB and interconnectors of similar size to the SPSB-10 setup I have for best possible quality and to avoid the crackling issue?
I'm really looking for the best cables and BB possible here.
3. Not really related to the issue, but since I've been out of the game for some time, is there any other cardiod/hyper on the market of similar size to the SP-CMC-4U
that is a reasonable upgrade for s small size recording setup?
Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2022, 07:58:17 PM by nicegrin »

Toy Box:
Omnis: 6xNevaton MCE400s, Countryman b3s (modded), MM HLSOs (4.7K mod), Aevox in ear MK2s, CA-11s
Cards: Schoeps MK4s with Schoeps CMRS, Milab VM-44 Links, SP CMC-8, AT853, Sennheiser MKE 104, MM HLSC-1s, ECM-717
Hypers: AKG CK93s (modded), SP CMC-8, AT853, Audix 1280s (Church actives).
INBETWEEN: Naiant Tinybox (CMR mod), Naiant Tinybox (p48 mod), Naiant PFA, CA-9100, CA Ugly, Denecke PS-2 mini, MM-MBM, MM-CBM, SP SPSB-8, custom nuetrik XLR to TRS cables, 5 pin to 5 pin extension cable.
DECKS: A10, M10, R05, Tascam DR-05, R09-HR , MT2, Sharp MS-H702, MZ-R 70.